7/14/12 9:56 a.m.
4 Month
Cairn Terrier
9 lbs currently, target of 15 - 20 lbs
He came home with us just two days ago. We are a little challenged in coming up with a name for him so I thought I might seek y'all's help.

7/14/12 10:07 a.m.
He needs something appropriately scottish, and amusing. (All animal names should make you smile.) I think you should call him Blàr or Madadh (as in, "Yep, that's ma dog").
If you wanted over the top silliness, it's hard to go wrong with Maolsneachta, Maoldòmhnaich, Flaithbheartach, Eòghnaidh, Caoilte. All have good heritage, and the latter two are easy for someone in the know to pronounce, while leaving the rest of the population befuddled.
I worked in a machine shop years ago and the shop dog was a Cairn Terrier. His name was Phil.
"Sparky" was the first thing that popped in my head, when I saw this picture.
jrw1621 wrote:
I called mine Jack after Black Jack Brabham, maybe yours could be Dan, as in Gurney
7/14/12 11:22 a.m.
Looked like a Colin (Chapman) to me...
We call the one that just showed up out of the blue at my MiL's house PITA (Pain In The Ass)
Seems to respond to it 
Alister. The defender of mankind.
Not exactly Scottish, but how about "Phydeaux"?
Either that or "Billy".
Cute little guy, btw. Congrats!!!
That is a Skruffy I ever saw one.
I'd be goin' w/ Angus too
7/14/12 12:40 p.m.
Just don't call him "Enzo" - they seem to be everywhere!
He is absolutely adorable BTW, I like Angus and Sparky too.
7/14/12 12:43 p.m.
combine RealMiniDriver and SpoolPigeon's suggestions to get "Sparky McFurryPants"
That references the Scottish heritage and it will make ANYBODY smile.
7/14/12 1:42 p.m.
just don't call him jake. our cairn is jake. he is 5 and still a total spaz. you'll always know where the mouse in the wall is hiding.
i vote for Spicy MacHaggis.
or Connor MacLeod.
the jake:

and he's gonna need a cap

I had an Airdale - golden retriever mix named Rufus, he just looked like one. Same snout part and goutee as your puppy.
I like Angus too.
Scrappy. Call him scraps for short.