I've now encountered two people who eat meat...as long as there is no bone there. There was a bone somewhere nearby before the butcher removed it. Whats the deal?
I've now encountered two people who eat meat...as long as there is no bone there. There was a bone somewhere nearby before the butcher removed it. Whats the deal?
Perhaps this is the nugget generation? The boneless wings and chicken nuggets have finally influenced a generation of kids to not bother with eating meat if they can't swallow it whole.
I can not answer your question, but I know how to not raise picky eaters.
I do not coddle picky eaters.
I let them starve.
As such, my kids aren't picky eaters.
Toyman01 wrote: I can not answer you question, but I know how to not raise picky eaters. I do not coddle picky eaters. I let them starve. As such, my kids aren't picky eaters.
My kids eat what is served or they don't eat. You get hungry enough, you'll eat anything and you can go days without eating.
The second one, that I heard about this weekend, will not eat ham if its a proper ham, even if it was carved and served with the bone nowhere near the same room. Instead, he will make himself a hot dog.
And he's an adult...
I don't care for chicken wings or other chicken stuff with bones mostly because I don't like the mess that comes with having to dissect your own meal. I don't care to accidentally ingest bone or fat. Plus it seems wasteful to throw out the leftovers knowing that you might not have got 100% of the meat off it.
I'm not saying I won't eat it, but if there's a choice, I'll usually opt for the neater and tidier option.
I don't think I was coddled as a child. Ma had to prepare meals for four of us kids and sure wasn't going to make something special for just one of us.
PS next year I turn 50 so I probably shouldn't be lumped in with millenials.
I don't blame him, cow bones take FOREVER to chew! and they make my jaw hurt...
In seriousness i used to be picky, mostly that i didn't like weird food textures. Processed food has few textures. This was mostly when i was a child. When i hit teen age years i developed an insatiable appetite for all things remotely edible, and that kinda cured that. Don't know how that would apply here since you don't eat the bones, but i kinda get it? I prefer strip steak to T-bone, mostly because i don't like having to cut around the bones, but if you only have T-bones I'll still pound them down until i cant fit anymore tasty, tasty cow meat into my stomach.
I like gnawing on the bone after I finish ribs or a steak, it's where the best meat hides.
Plus, stock making means no waste.
People are getting weirder. I used to know people who refused to eat ribs, seafood, shell fish because they were "too lazy to deal with bones or shells".
Living out of your car because you can't afford a place, you get used to eating anything you can find. Being poor for a while fixed me from picky eating habits.
Toyman01 wrote: I can not answer your question, but I know how to not raise picky eaters. I do not coddle picky eaters. I let them starve. As such, my kids aren't picky eaters.
This works until you run into a child who A) views self-deprivation as a personal challenge, and B) understands who gets in trouble when the school calls CPS because he looks underfed.
Yeah, I was a PITA. Still am, too.
I think for some, the bone is to much of a mental reminder that what they're eating was once a living being. Much in the same way that rare meat does.
Cuts that contain bone are almost always more flavourful
I personally can't stand fussy eaters, as I was raised pretty much on the toyman model. That said almost all of us have a limit to what we consider palatable. For example, I'm not a massive fan of offal in its unprocessed for, and things like balut absolutely turn my stomach.
I call these people "box-association-minded" people. They're the same people who's brains have strong associations to something. Its like a mild form of OCD. They have an association that they put in a "box" in their brains and it stays there like cement. People who are more logical can re-open the box at a later date and examine the facts surrounding it and be pragmatic about it.
Like most of us can not like bone-in meat, but we logically know that it was on a bone at some point in its history and whether or not its on a bone now has no bearing on whether or not we should eat it. I will try any food, mostly because I know that other people eat it and don't die. I grew up not eating raw fish because raw fish gives you parasites, but when confronted with a big plate of sashimi I figured that it doesn't kill millions of Japanese people, so why not?
My ex wife refused to ride in a Ford because someone she knew died in a Ford because the airbag didn't deploy. She couldn't break the correlation in her brain.
In reply to 02Pilot:
I have dialed the number for CPS, for several of my children. They quickly realised that the known evil was better than the government alternative.
My house, my rules. End of discussion.
aircooled wrote: I ate bone marrow once. It was bad.
I ate beef tongue once, by accident*, at a Mexican restaurant that didn't cater to gringos. It was delicious.
I've never really cared much about picky eaters. My wife is pretty picky, being pescatarian (doesn't eat land-critters), but with only one meat eater in the house we save money. I'll eat whatever, so if a vegetarian wants to make me food, as long as it doesn't taste like ass (soy bacon is terrible) I'll eat it. I like tofu, sprouts, most all of the vegetarian staples, so I never go hungry no matter what's put in front of me. And that's just it, I like food too much to be picky. The only thing I won't eat is "young meat", I don't like veal, for example, but I'm open to most everything else.
When we've got kids that kid will have the choice of eating what I make (awesome) or what mom makes (not awesome). They'll probably end up being carnivores.
I am not a picky eater. I did not raise any picky eaters... but I did marry one.
She does not like to know her food might have once been a living, breathing thing.
She knows it's true - but would not like to be reminded.
She has explained like this (I'm paraphrasing) "Would you like your lover to scream berkeley me with that tiny dick you ugly troll? No. Of course you wouldn't. I don't want to see skeletons in my dinner. See?"
Huckleberry wrote: "Would you like your lover to scream berkeley me with that tiny dick you ugly troll? No. Of course you wouldn't. I don't want to see skeletons in my dinner. See?"
I've got a new age girl, an environmentalist girl. She's a vegetarian, will outlive all the septuagenarians.
She don't eat meat, but she sure like the bone.
I'm not a fan of certain textures--actually, it is basically just cooked vegetables. Hate the texture. My wife says that's a sign of autism. I don't care what it's a sign of, in general I'm just not a fan of cooked vegetables because of the texture.
HappyAndy wrote:aircooled wrote: I ate bone marrow once. It was bad.I ate beef tongue once, by accident*, at a Mexican restaurant that didn't cater to gringos. It was delicious. * The menu was hand written in Spanish, me no awwblé Espagnolli, appearantly I can't read it worth a Berkeley either.
I maintain that the tongue is the tastiest part of the cow. Brain was a big "meh", same with tripe. But tongue...man is that tasty.
Boneless wings all end up as terrible, dried out, over-breaded, over-sauced hunk of poor excuses for chicken that would have me tempted to go vegan if it's the only form of wings that I could enjoy. You might as well plunk down a dollar for a McChicken if you're considering such crap.
curtis73 wrote:Huckleberry wrote: "Would you like your lover to scream berkeley me with that tiny dick you ugly troll? No. Of course you wouldn't. I don't want to see skeletons in my dinner. See?"![]()
What can I say... I know how to pick 'em. I'm in 20 years. If I'd have killed her on the honeymoon I'd have been a free man years ago. I'm not sure I'd be any better off though.
In reply to mtn:
I'm with you on texture, cooked vegetables and citrus fruit for me and the citrus fruit texture really drives me nuts as I love the taste and juice (pulp strained) of just about every type of citrus fruit there is.
mtn wrote: I'm not a fan of certain textures--actually, it is basically just cooked vegetables. Hate the texture. My wife says that's a sign of autism. I don't care what it's a sign of, in general I'm just not a fan of cooked vegetables because of the texture.HappyAndy wrote:I maintain that the tongue is the tastiest part of the cow. Brain was a big "meh", same with tripe. But tongue...man is that tasty.aircooled wrote: I ate bone marrow once. It was bad.I ate beef tongue once, by accident*, at a Mexican restaurant that didn't cater to gringos. It was delicious. * The menu was hand written in Spanish, me no awwblé Espagnolli, appearantly I can't read it worth a Berkeley either.
Calf hearts are the tastiest part of the cow. I E36 M3 you not. Grilled rare. With just a pat of butter melted on top. For even more cholesterol.
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