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DrBoost Reader
6/2/09 8:27 a.m.
wherethefmi wrote: carguy123 And Drboost did you guys co-ordinate avatars?

Yes, one day while spooning we discussed possible avitars. Elton John and Adam Lambert were taken so we chose that one.

Sorry for dragging you into that discussion CarGuy, but I had to.

DrBoost Reader
6/2/09 8:28 a.m.
carguy123 wrote: I had it first, he idolizes me and therefore he copied me. Who cares? I think it's cool. I have a syncophant!

BTW, I had that avatar 53 years ago (I'm only 36 but like I tell my wife, don't confuse the argument with facts) so YOU my friend are the lemming.

carguy123 Dork
6/2/09 10:05 a.m.

Actually I stole it from a Porsche site and the car it was on was less than 5 years old.

It was part of a larger picture that I cropped and then made small enough to use as an avatar so back at ya! Ha! Take that syncophant!

EastCoastMojo Dork
6/2/09 10:56 a.m.

EvanB Reader
6/2/09 11:35 a.m.

What were we talking about?

GameboyRMH SuperDork
6/2/09 3:07 p.m.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
joey48442 wrote: Wait, who the berkeley even makes a 350 dollar remote??? Joey
I ermm.... have one. Logitech.

I knew it was a Logitech Harmony the moment I saw the price...

I'd vote for working off the price + acting as the remote. I vote against making the kid give away his toys - that will just seem like dickheaded revenge. Which it is.

Mental SuperDork
6/2/09 3:40 p.m.

mad_machine SuperDork
6/2/09 4:58 p.m.

um.. ouch?

dukenukem New Reader
6/3/09 4:56 a.m.
walterj wrote: I would make him be the remote for everyone else for a week or two as immediate punishment and take away the TV privs for all of summer vacation. They are better off w/o it anyway so its not really as much punishment as a favor to him.

I agree with this one. Since he broke it up, let him replace the function of that material for a while. I think the next time he sees a remote he will not throw it off again

DrBoost Reader
6/3/09 9:08 a.m.

Yeah, I like the idea of him being the remote but then he'll be watching TV in some way. But the bigger issue is that the convertor box we have doesn't have buttons for channel changing or even power. But I'm thinking about him following me around the yard when I mow the lawn this summer to move the toys around as I mow. I can't thing of anything else other than the TV beingn taken away.

pinchvalve SuperDork
6/3/09 10:12 a.m.

I wish I could offer advice, but I have somehow been blessed with the perfect kid. Consider how long you would have to work to make $350, and make him work the same number of hours to replace it.

CivicSiRacer Reader
6/8/09 10:58 a.m.

Yes a punishment is needed but you cannot punish him days after the fact. Kids only remember what they did maybe couple minutes after the incident. Punishing him now is all for naught. I like the idea of taking tv away and making him the remote control. Does he get an allowance? I would have started to take funds out of his allowance for a new remote, but as I said discipline now is too late. And personally I wouldn't have anything like a $350 remote control around with kids. Go to Walmart or Target and get a remote for them for like $10. Keep the more expensive remote out of reach. I have 3 kids (6 1/2, 4 and 1 year olds). My eldest needs an attitude adjustment after learning somethings from her kindergarten friends. We have problems with her throwing fits (yes at age 6). She has lost tv, dessert, and other privledges. My son is getting to the stage where he cannot talk about his feelings so he takes it out on his sister or little brother. So discipline for him is different than my daughter.

44Dwarf Reader
6/8/09 1:49 p.m.

As the youngest of 8 + multipule foster kids I've seen just about everyway to deal with kids...

Belts do work yes on 98% of the kids if done early enough. Wait to long and all they do is resent it.

Punishment need to be delt with right then and there at that moment. None of the "wait untill your father gets home crap" or will see what fits. Do it swift and quick and hard that way they learn. Then talk with them about it and why. It is okay to give them choises like no tv for a week or no dirt bike for a week (i hated that one) I allway picked no TV. If we broke it we had to pay for it. I once got to ride a new Can-Am dirt bike that the kid next door came home with the day before, the trans broke. My parents made me work all summer to pay the cost of fixing it. Tought me reponciblity for others and my own property As for the remote its to late now to deal with it.


Fit_Is_Slo New Reader
6/8/09 10:07 p.m.

Make him rida a pink bike with streamers and a basket on it

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