9/4/14 7:11 p.m.
Tuesday PM, heading to a Dr. appointment. Blew a radiator hose on I-95, wound up on an exit ramp. Tow truck comes up, offers his services. OK. He proceeds to get my car on his rollback, and his cable winch fails. My car rolls back and hits a Jeep Commander, hard. Substantial damage to both cars. Florida Highway Patrol takes the paperwork, took an hour. Finally get to the shop. Today I hear from the repair shop that the overheating caused a cracked block, not repairable. I have a decent, if boring, rental. Now I have the problem of what to do about all this. Tow guys insurance is on the hook for damage to my car, but I really don't know what settlement I can expect. I don't want to fix it, it is cursed, as far as I am concerned. Probably 750.00 to 1000.00 in damage. Tailgate, bumper, left side trim. Plus a slipping tranny, sloppy front end, no AC, and the turn signals don't even work. I'm done with it. Wondering how to go about selling it as is. I really don't want payments, but looks like it will be necessary. Looking for some advice from the hive mind on how to proceed. Thanks guys!!
Get check from insurance. Sell dead hulk for scrap. Profit!
What's the dead hulk? Maybe engines are more common than we think.
Or take the money and run.
9/4/14 7:19 p.m.
I hate to say it, but you lucked out. Congrats?
I would go on Craigslist's auto search. Min price $123, max price $1234.
Take the repair money, scrap the car, and buy whatever "decent" vehicle the craigslist search turned up.
like this one:
Subaru Forester or Impreza hatch time.
+1 for what Hungary Bill said.
your trans did not slip and your turn signals worked prior to him dropping it off his truck.....
shut your mouth and don't give the insurance company anything they don't need to know.
Pocket the repair money, scrap the car for a few extra bucks and go shopping. Can you borrow a car for a while? Rental bills will eat up your new found founds quickly. The more time you have to shop the better deal you may find. I sucks to need to buy a car RIGHT NOW!
9/5/14 8:07 a.m.
FWIW, it's a '99 Cherokee.
9/5/14 1:55 p.m.
Now it appears that there is frame damage. Gee, that means it will be totaled by the adjuster. A bigger check.
your lemonade has vodka in it.
9/5/14 2:32 p.m.
KBB for Good Condition is 3100.00. Since I paid 2500 for it, not bad. But, I got a call from Progressive, his insurance company, and was told he only had insurance on his truck, does not have coverage from them for anything he is carrying. Won't answer calls from them. Looks like he is a gypsy. Also has a police record with two arrests. Geico, my company, will cover me, but 500.00 deductible. I'll be happy with 2500.00 or so. The adventure continues.
Sounds like he needs a third arrest...
9/5/14 2:57 p.m.
The driver of the other car (the one my car rolled into)looks a lot like Warren Sapp. I don't think he is going to be very happy about this turn of events. I think I will call him over the weekend and see if he has had better luck than me.
How much is the tow truck worth ?
That's pretty shocking. Bbb and lawsuits from both of you guys?
Id always assumed that the wrecker insurance covered cars in tow as well. Maybe see if geico will go after his insurance without your rates going up.
Do you have coverage vs. uninsured motorist?
I would have thought comprehensive would take this hit. Maybe it is..
9/6/14 9:01 a.m.
Geico is playing nice. Deductible has been waived. Waiting for the adjuster to take a look. Car looks really good, except for the hit. I'm really pleased with the ins company. Honestly thought it was a bit silly to get full coverage on a 15 YO car but glad right now.
I'm still surprised that someone managed to kill an XJ Cherokee that didn't die from rust.
Cracked block, bent substructure and body damage? Sounds pretty much like every other XJ I've owned/ridden in 
9/6/14 6:13 p.m.
Dusterbd13 wrote:
Id always assumed that the wrecker insurance covered cars in tow as well. Maybe see if geico will go after his insurance without your rates going up.
A reputable company does, but it's why they are being run out of business by guys doing $50 dollar tows with no overhead.