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Autolex Reader
3/4/09 2:12 p.m.

I have rubber buckshot in my remington 870, should someone REALLY deserve it.

JohnGalt New Reader
3/4/09 7:03 p.m.
Autolex wrote: I have rubber buckshot in my remington 870, should someone REALLY deserve it.

It is amazing how far you can hit some one with that stuff if you just aim up a little. Especially at night.

Keith SuperDork
3/4/09 8:34 p.m.

I'd be trying to see what I could do with an electric fence, umm, "unit"? I don't know the right terms. But I know that surprise electrification could certainly encourage punks to move on.

It's like car alarms. You're not trying to prevent car theft. You're simply trying to make yours more of a pain in the ass to steal than someone else's. You're not going to reform these kids and make them model citizens. But you can get them off your lawn. Heck, a motion-sensitive sprinkler system will do that.

Osterizer HalfDork
3/4/09 8:44 p.m.
Keith wrote: Heck, a motion-sensitive sprinkler system will do that.

You lost me at "sprinkler system"...

Appleseed Reader
3/5/09 7:16 p.m.

Best story. I have a second cousin in Hammond, In. Did three tours in Nam in the special forces. Asked for a fourth and was dined. He still keeps his gear on the ready. All of it.

About ten years ago, he noticed some shady people hanging around his neighborhood. Drug dealers. He is now pissed. He puts on full camo, slides behind a bush and waits.

The dealer is greeted with a knife to the throat and "if I see you around this neighborhood again, you and your friends are DEAD."

No more drug dealers.

cwh Dork
3/5/09 9:08 p.m.

Unfortunately, REAL Rambos are kind of hard to find. Very cool idea. On second thought, retired Special forces guys are a bit more common now. I would really love to have some for neighbors. The only ones I know are in their 50's and 60's, not really looking for real action now. Great guys to go to shady bars with, though. One of my friends was a Marine Sniper in 'Nam and Cambodia. Tells stories that will curl your hair. He would be a good addition to a troubled neighborhood.

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