Hi all,
Going to be looking for a new rim for my 1994 Geo Prizm (14 inch rims, I believe?). Going to go to a pick-n-pull/junkyard to find one. I've never been before; is there anything you would recommend I know beforehand? How much should I expect to pay to get in? How much should I expect to pay for a used rim? Any specific things I should look for when selecting a rim (besides correct size and bolt pattern)? Dumb question but is the easiest way to find a rim of the right size is by measuring it? Do I measure from outer lip to out lip?
Is it even worth going through all of this? What would be a cheap, reasonable price for a 14 inch rim online?
Thank you.
Where are you located? Maybe look on Craigslist
In the YArd, find any Prism or Corolla from years 1988 to 2002. If there is a tire on the wheel, the tire will state the 14" size.
5/23/18 4:00 p.m.
You can search inventory on the pick n pull website or look at prices depending which franchise is in your area. If you are looking for alloys most will be pulled and set up front at higher prices or gone from the cars pretty quick. If there is a tire on the wheel you will pay for that as well even if it is junk.
I've had better luck on Craigslist. I would search for miata, mini or Honda wheels and get a full set.
Located in Sacramento, CA. What's a fair price for one of these rims? Found this online for only $60. Wonder if it'd be easier (and potentially cheaper) than spending a whole weekend trying to track one fo these suckers down.
Sacramento PickNPull gets 7.99 for a steel wheel. The savings over buying that eBay wheel are significant to say the least.
Facebook Marketplace can be a good place to look for used wheels too.
I never considered going to a pick and pull as a chore, it is more of a treat. Sort of like going to a movie. Pay the admission and walk the yard. All kinds of things to see.... of course I'm sort of weird.
bring extra tools and a bag you can sling over your shoulder rather than hand carrying. You never know what you'll find and just HAVE to bring home. Don't P-n-P alone. Bring a buddy.
If the yard is close, it can be worth your time. You aren't looking for exotic or even remotely desirable wheels, so they should be readily available.
Our yard is just around the corner from work. $1 to get in, $25 for the wheel/tire, and 10 minutes of my time and I'm on my way. No dealing with morons on craigslist.
Look online beforehand and write down the row# the potential donor cars are in to minimize time spent looking for them in the yard.
Wheel size and offset should be on the back of the wheel somewhere
5/23/18 8:24 p.m.
Gearheadotaku said:
bring extra tools and a bag you can sling over your shoulder rather than hand carrying. You never know what you'll find and just HAVE to bring home. Don't P-n-P alone. Bring a buddy.
Disagree about the shoulder bag. I recommend one of these:

5/23/18 9:03 p.m.
If you’re going for wheels, take a buddy or cordless impact wrench.
The cars are off the ground on stands (made from the wheels you’re looking for, actually), you’ll need someone to stand on the brakes to prevent the wheels from turning when you are trying to unbolt.
5/23/18 9:06 p.m.
Also, your local yard may vary, but mine will stab or drill a hole in the sidewall of the tire if you don’t want it and won’t charge you.
In reply to John Welsh :
All of these rims will fit my car?
Thanks for all of the input everyone!
You can get them from Rockauto for 52.89 (plus ship) if fresh and clean is your thing .
Will said:
Gearheadotaku said:
bring extra tools and a bag you can sling over your shoulder rather than hand carrying. You never know what you'll find and just HAVE to bring home. Don't P-n-P alone. Bring a buddy.
Disagree about the shoulder bag. I recommend one of these:

Heck yeah. $50 at Costco. I've taken mine to the yard a handful of times since getting it and it is so handy.
5/24/18 5:20 p.m.
In reply to DuctTape&Bondo :
Got mine at Lowe's, and it's small enough to fit in the trunk of an SW20, but strong enough to carry 100+ pounds of stuff.
I'll admit there's one downside: If you get it loaded with heavy stuff, the small wheels dig into gravel/mud.
Ghetto HF wagon.

I freakin love trolling the yards.
5/24/18 8:26 p.m.
In Rancho Cordova, on Sunrise, south of Folsom Blvd, there are a TON of auto dismantler yards. No way in hell I would pay shipping on a wheel like that
Toyota Dismantler, looks like you have to call to get quote on used wheel
Toebra's right, there are dozens or recyclers in Rancho, right near the pick n' pull. You should be able to find 14" wheels for a song. Very little demand, they probably scrap more than they sell.
5/25/18 12:00 p.m.
Pick-n-pull doesn't sell many rims anymore, they pull and scrap almost all of them as soon as they get the cars.
5/25/18 12:30 p.m.
that may be true, but a phone call is pretty cheap
So, just wanted to be clear...I'm searching 14" rims, correct? And the easiest cars to pull that from would be a similar year Toyota Corolla?
BattlePope said:
So, just wanted to be clear...I'm searching 14" rims, correct? And the easiest cars to pull that from would be a similar year Toyota Corolla?
It would seem that the answer is to match what size is on your car now, unless I've missed some reason you can't verify your current setup.