7/26/22 11:16 p.m.
My Plex server was getting a little long in the tooth and I've been itching to upgrade for awhile now...
So I did!
Stock Image, I only have a single Quadro P5000
![No description available.](https://scontent.faus1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/295603885_463803915200851_4268232639883333075_n.png?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=-ZDrX1Rd1L8AX_2uQpK&tn=ISp7R7TRRmyKe6-F&_nc_ht=scontent.faus1-1.fna&oh=03_AVL3g6Zai4FbnTQmoqVnCHIwG3jBYuwuWznsN6HvYFZiVA&oe=6306F872)
What amazes me about this box is how quiet it is. I used to run servers in my home office, but got tired of the noise so I shifted all my storage to the cloud and have only been doing compute for Plex locally - my power bill dropped like a rock.
I really like this Dell box.
Does plex really need that, or does this serve other purposes?
7/27/22 10:49 a.m.
lnlogauge said:
Does plex really need that, or does this serve other purposes?
My current plex "server" is a dell laptop with integrated intel graphics.
But it struggles with any 4k transcoding.
The CPUs and ram are way overkill... but I'm in it for sub $900, so why not.
I have dozens of friends with access to it. It gets hit pretty hard. There's 150TB worth of media there.
Thats a nice buy, Ive been looking to upgrade my ancient z820 workstation, but its still chugging along nicely...