How cool! Once you attain Power Dork Status, you unlock all sorts of hidden features on the website. I love the virtual GRM simulator and the free Apps and the photo gallery and the cheat codes and the coupons for free parts and the $1000 Miata locator!
Alright, there are no features. I just kill a lot of time on this board. Carry on.
Damnit. Only 4600 posts to go!!!
I just looked at the leader board. I pushed into the top 20. We should all be ashamed of ourselves. No wonder nothing ever gets done in my garage.
12/8/10 3:49 p.m.
My garage is still waiting approval from the mortgage people so I can buy it, and the house that goes with it. So, here I am.
My new job keeps me busy, so I doubt I will make the top 20 again. How am I supposed to keep up on the latest posts with all these darned responsibilities?!?!?
12/8/10 3:55 p.m.
pinchvalve wrote:
My new job keeps me busy, so I doubt I will make the top 20 again. How am I supposed to keep up on the latest posts with all these darned responsibilities?!?!?
I find ignoring my responsibilities is a good course of action. They all seem to get done anyhow, so why worry? Worst they're gonna do is fire me, and I don't like this job anyhow.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
I just looked at the leader board. I pushed into the top 20. We should all be ashamed of ourselves. No wonder nothing ever gets done in my garage.
I was in the top 20 years ago, then I took a year away from the board (worked a job that I didn't have internet access). Now I'm only in the top 40 or so.
Wow, I just checked and I'm #40 on the dot!
12/8/10 4:13 p.m.
About 150 more and I hit a new level of dorkdum.
What I find most interesting is that only one actual true paid employee of GRM has more post than me (and many of us.)
I bet those other employees waste their days away looking at other things when they pretend to be working.
I am still proud to say I have never posted in the ignore thread (but i have been know to hotlink a picture or two.)
I'm up to 71. No wonder I can't get anything done. 
Pshhh.... Wait til you're a PowerDork and get keys to the Kingdom.
I'm actually sometimes embarrassed by my post count - like a smoker trying to quit, but helpless to the addiction.
Some people aspire to dorkdom, and some have dorkiness thrust upon them...
Anyone with less posts than me is a loser and more posts than me is a dork.
What leader board? How do you see all these amazing numbers you guys are talking about?
12/8/10 7:58 p.m.
Try clicking "Leaderboard".
I totally missed the actual thread title... I thought this was about new power door lock features...
I was up to #13, but 914 driver knocked me down. I dont think I will ever reach top 10.
I am #64. Too bad I rarely have anything to contribute and spend most of my time asking stupid questions.