I have no problems with laws against distracted driving, but it should not be a primary offense. If the cop observes me driving reckless or I'm distracted then I should get two tickets. Or if I'm involved in an accident, then throw the book at me. I realize that this is more subjective and is more difficult for the police.
I did get a ticket driving through a small town in New York state while I was on the phone. I was following the speed limit, I was following the car ahead of me at a safe distance, according to the officer I was doing nothing wrong other than holding a phone to my ear. I didn't know that it was illegal in NY. And in my opinion seemed to be more of a fundraiser for the town than a safety concern.
A few months ago texting while driving was made illegal in Memphis. Unfortunately, it is legal outside city limits and in other parts of Tn. It's one of those laws where folks think they can't be caught and even if they are....no big deal.
Along the same lines, or not, pretty much nationwide it's against the law to operate a motor vehicle with small children inside if they aren't buckled into a child seat. Yet, I've been passed by cars where there are more than 2 children NOT in child seats. I even see, every now and then, folks driving around with children sitting on the laps of unbelted front seat passengers. I wouldn't want to be that poor kid when an unbelted 160lb. Grandma slams me into the dashboard at 45 mph.
Splitting hairs, but, in these texting laws is it still legal to program your Garmin GPS while driving? Pretty much the same keyboard?
How about shuffling through your iPod while driving? What if that iPod is your phone?
If you think that texting at traffic lights and stop signs is safer you are wrong. You are still in the act of driving and as such need to PAY the f88k attention. Not only are you acting selfishly, but dangerously. Are you going to react any quicker to an emergency situation when you are distracting yourself from the environment around you? Seriously!
Vermont now has anti-texting laws for all and no portable electronic devices for junior license operators.
I'm also a Professional Passenger for the next six weeks. Teaching DE full time as a long-term sub!!!!!!!!!!!!
jrw1621 wrote:
Splitting hairs, but, in these texting laws is it still legal to program your Garmin GPS while driving? Pretty much the same keyboard?
How about shuffling through your iPod while driving? What if that iPod is your phone?
Changing police radio stations, checking tags on the police issue computer, talking to base while doing patrol duties...
5/4/11 9:00 p.m.
In Quebec, I've been told it's quite simple. If it can make phone calls, you don't get to screw around with it while driving. It doesn't matter if it's your mp3 player, an emailer, whatever. Makes sense to me, as it gets rid of grey areas and is reasonably future-proof.
Quebec also requires snow tires in the winter.