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Anti-stance SuperDork
1/5/13 7:04 p.m.

Here we go. Vent your playoff trash talk here in anonymity on the interwebs!

Bungals out.

Let's watch the Packers win tonight.

poopshovel UltimaDork
1/5/13 7:06 p.m.

I'm really hoping for an epic battle of the E36 M3-tards no one cares about. Houston vs. Seattle would be nice. OR, Baltimore vs. Atlanta with halftime show by Al Qaeda.

Anti-stance SuperDork
1/5/13 7:09 p.m.

The Colts, Patriots, Steelers, AFC powerhouse years of the 2000s are over. Now you know how leftover Dallas fans from the 90s feel.

moparman76_69 HalfDork
1/5/13 7:15 p.m.
Anti-stance wrote: The Colts, Patriots, Steelers, AFC powerhouse years of the 2000s are over. Now you know how leftover Dallas fans from the 90s feel.

Wait two of those three are in the playoffs (playoffs? don't talk about PLAYOFFS! you kiddin' me?).

poopshovel UltimaDork
1/5/13 7:15 p.m.

I survived Malone, Brister, O'Donnell, Stewart, and Maddox. I think I'll be okay.

T.J. PowerDork
1/5/13 7:18 p.m.

Seahawks are the only NFL team I care about.

(EDIT: care may too strong of a word, but I will root for them in spirit, although I may or may not actually watch any of the games.) (I don't really have the time to devote to football. There are only so many hours in a weekend.)

Anti-stance SuperDork
1/5/13 7:20 p.m.

All three have lost the Superbowl in the last three years(Patriots twice in 5) but won atleast one Superbowl in the 2000s. We may be back to the NFC 80s/90s again.

Anti-stance SuperDork
1/5/13 7:22 p.m.
T.J. wrote: Seahawks are the only NFL team I care about.

They are the team that everyone fears on the NFC side of the playoffs right now IMO.

poopshovel UltimaDork
1/5/13 7:56 p.m.
Anti-stance wrote:
T.J. wrote: Seahawks are the only NFL team I care about.
They are the team that everyone fears on the NFC side of the playoffs right now IMO.

You're joking, right?

Anti-stance SuperDork
1/5/13 8:06 p.m.

Who do you think it is? Not the Falcons, not the Minnesota Petersons, I really don't think the Packers are to be feared. Who's that leave. 49ers(got blown out by Seattle a couple of weeks ago), Seattle(gotten better at the end of the season), and the Redskins(no doubt RG3 is legit).

poopshovel UltimaDork
1/5/13 9:13 p.m.

Foreskins or Fudge Bay. Because I desperately don't want it to be Atlanta, it will probably be Atlanta. I'd be pleased as pie with the chickenhawks.

Much as I hate to admit it, I really like old catfish head ass RGIII.

logdog HalfDork
1/5/13 9:43 p.m.

Did somebody forget to tell Minnesota there was a game tonight?

Anti-stance SuperDork
1/5/13 9:46 p.m.
poopshovel wrote: Much as I hate to admit it, I really like old catfish head ass RGIII.

In reply to logdog:

I knew as soon as they said Webb would start it was gonna be a blow out.

FSP_ZX2 Dork
1/5/13 9:58 p.m.

JG Pasterjak
JG Pasterjak Production/Art Director
1/5/13 10:06 p.m.

Unless something changes in the next two minutes (it won't), Minnesota will have lost every game they've played outside this year. They really never had a shot tonight.

Even so, I think GB is dangerous. They have the most experienced postseason QB in the playoffs on the NFC side, and that's important. I see them or Seattle going all the way, but only if Seattle can continue being explosive. Seattle won't win 13-10 games in the playoffs. The Redskins are hot, and that matters in the postseason. Look at how the Giants have ridden late-season momentum to two Superbowl wins in the last few years. Even so, I see the rookie QBs hitting a reality wall at some point.

Honestly I think I'm mostly looking forward to the Manning-Brady AFC championship. The only other team in the AFC that maybe has a shot is Indy, and only because they have that "team of destiny/nothing to lose" thing going on, much like Seattle. Baltimore just isn't that good, and Houston fell apart at the end of the season. I'd rather be a hot 9-7 team going into the playoffs than a cold 12-4 team.


Anti-stance SuperDork
1/5/13 10:10 p.m.
JG Pasterjak wrote: I'd rather be a hot 9-7 team going into the playoffs than a cold 12-4 team. jg

That is spot on. That's why I do not have faith in either of my teams, Falcons and Texans.

SVreX MegaDork
1/5/13 11:05 p.m.

Go Giants.

...oh, wait a minute...

wbjones UberDork
1/6/13 7:26 a.m.
JG Pasterjak wrote: The Redskins are hot, and that matters in the postseason. jg

I just wish RG III's knee was 100 % if it's not much better than last wk then they probably go down today ... even as much as they depend on Morris the key is having to respect RG's run/pass off the read option .. with his knee like it is opponents don't have to worry nearly as much about his running

wbjones UberDork
1/6/13 7:27 a.m.
Anti-stance wrote:
JG Pasterjak wrote: I'd rather be a hot 9-7 team going into the playoffs than a cold 12-4 team. jg
That is spot on. That's why I do not have faith in either of my teams, Falcons and Texans.

at least the Texans got a little bit of their mo-jo back yesterday, it could be all it takes to kick start them again

logdog HalfDork
1/6/13 7:56 a.m.

Anybody but Baltimore. Thats my hard rule.

logdog HalfDork
1/6/13 9:14 a.m.
Datsun1500 wrote:
logdog wrote: Anybody but Baltimore. Thats my hard rule.
Baltimore all the way. That's my hope

Im surprised us Browns fans didnt pull a Shermans March on Maryland after Modell got a ring.

RealMiniDriver SuperDork
1/6/13 9:40 a.m.
FSP_ZX2 wrote:

It bears repeating.

Chris_V UltraDork
1/6/13 9:43 a.m.
Datsun1500 wrote:
logdog wrote: Anybody but Baltimore. Thats my hard rule.
Baltimore all the way. That's my hope

Same here.

Chris_V UltraDork
1/6/13 9:44 a.m.
logdog wrote:
Datsun1500 wrote:
logdog wrote: Anybody but Baltimore. Thats my hard rule.
Baltimore all the way. That's my hope
Im surprised us Browns fans didnt pull a Shermans March on Maryland after Modell got a ring.

Yeah, and many of us Baltimore fans were mighty pissed about the Colts going to Indy, as well.

But, none of the actual teams are the same anymore so it really doesn't matter.

DirtyBird222 SuperDork
1/6/13 10:01 a.m.

I really hope the Redskeets and the Ravens lose today. I'm tired of hearing how great these teams are from all these schmucks in the DC area. Hearing that usually is followed up with how great the person bragging about their NFL team were at high school football in Delaware. It's comical.

I would cheer on the Seachickens all the way, but I can't stand Pete Carrol, so the Texans it is.

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