I can't believe this passed in conservative West Michigan (part of the bible belt).
MUSKEGON, Mich. (WZZM) - There will be no king or queen at the Mona Shores High School prom this spring. The district is switching to a gender neutral prom court after a controversy during the election for homecoming king last fall.
"We did what we did because we feel it's right for our students," says high school principal Jennifer Bustard.
Last September, votes choosing 17 year old Oakleigh Reed for homecoming king were not counted because, although he identifies himself as a boy, anatomically Reed is a girl.
The new policy removes gender from consideration.
"All students can be a part of it if they choose," says Bustard. "If their peers would like to have two male representatives or two females or one of each, that will be their choice."
"I am glad the school is changing the prom court rules," Reed said in a statement released by his lawyer. "All I wanted was a chance for all students to participate."
The controversy over the district's decision not to let Oakleigh Reed compete for homecoming king made national headlines and attracted the attention of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Administrators say they don't think the transgendered student was looking for publicity or the opportunity to champion a cause.
"In fact, I think the exact opposite," says Bustard. "I think it was very difficult on Oakleigh this fall to get all of the attention. I think it really took a toll on him and it took a toll on all of here at the school."
The new prom policy affects the spring dance coming up in May. Administrators say the homecoming court next fall will probably also be gender neutral.
Reed has not said if he is interested in serving on the gender neutral prom court.