My GF just told me that her sister passed at 6:33 pm. She had been unconscious for a week and terminally ill with metastasized cancer. She was a very cool lady that has been taken way too young.
Cancer sucks, it sucks even more when you are too young to get routine screenings. Hug your loved ones and get checked early and often everyone.
Sorry about your loss. The older I get up the stranger it seems when people my age (53) pass away.
Very sorry to hear this, but glad to hear she is no longer suffering.
Very sorry for your loss.
9/10/15 12:49 a.m.
Sorry to hear it. Metastasized cancer sucks hard. It is good she isn't suffering any more. My thoughts are with you and your family.
My condolences to you and your wife. Just remember the good times.
hits close to home and very hard
Same here. My condolences.
Everybody here please realize that cancer is not necessarily an automatic death sentence; the key is early detection. If your family has a history of cancer, please get checked.
berkeley cancer, I hope peace to you and your family and remember the good times for their sake and legacy
9/10/15 7:48 a.m.
My condolences. Cancer sucks indeed.
I've said it too many times of late, cancer sucks. Sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss. Cancer is the worst. 
terrible news.. I am sorry for yours and your family's loss.. but as you said, at least the suffering is over
9/10/15 8:52 a.m.
So sorry for the loss--words cannot express how much I hate cancer.
9/10/15 9:10 a.m.
RIP, KyAllroad's GF's sister. Sometimes an end to the suffering is the best that can happen. Sorry for your loss.
9/10/15 9:41 a.m.
My sincere condolences to your families. At least the pain is gone for her.
You have my condolences. It really sucks that there are still so very many things that we just can't fix- nobody should have to go so young...
I am sorry for your loss.