Yeah, I'll go there.
I've had it with the normal Hayne/whatever brand of cotton thermals. They always make my skin itch like crazy. Do you guys have a prefered type/brand?
FWIW, even though I work indoors, I wear thermals pretty much any time the outside temperature drops below freezing - even when I'll be inside all day - as I have a very low tolerance for cold.
11/14/12 8:48 p.m.
Go to REI or EMS* and try different brands. I have a mix of older older REI, newer REI, and Patagonia thermals that fit well and don't itch. If you want non-synthetic for some reason, there are some very comfortable wools out there now, but they tend to be pricier.
- Technically it stands for "Extra Money Spent", but the company likes to think it stands for Eastern Mountain Sports.
Rocky sold in the hunting section at Wal-Mart its made of a very soft material almost like an elasticated version of pajamas. Keeps me warm enough in my uninsulated unheated block shop.
11/14/12 9:05 p.m.
I like the Carhartts for hiking and winter running. Duofolds are really soft and a little looser.
In reply to Dr. Hess:
I might look a bit silly sitting in the office wearing those though? Sure would be handy to keep around though.
Patagonia stuff is good but expensive, I'd at least take a look at what they have, I'm pretty sure they make what you want.
I've got a couple sets of Under Armour base layer 2.0s that I use at work quite a bit. They're pretty pricey even on sale. Though for as often as I use them it was worth it.
rotard wrote:
+1, and any other kind of running tights. Expensive, certainly, but very comfortable.
(FWIW, I can run at below zero in REI running tights.)
I find UnderArmor to be itchy, but every spring I watch for Patagonia to go on close out, and buy another top and bottom. I have three sets so far, light and medium weight. Love 'em.
Under Armor Cold Gear running stuff is awesome. A little baby powder will help the itch. I'm not sure it would be good indoors though - you will roast.
Wear normal tighty-whities under it, man.
Wally-World sells "base-layer" stuff that is a cheap ripoff of the UnderArmor stuff. I have not tried it, but it looks like the more expensive stuff I bought from REI.
Wish i could see what I'm wearing now. Not an itchy problem. Keep me nice and warm at work.
I like HH Lifa for bottoms because they're shaped like proper undergotchies and hold one's equipment in place. Tops? Anything polypro. It's the bottoms that matter for comfort.
The thing aboot polypro though is it's a B.O. amplifier and sponge. If you're a stinker, you will STINK. It also holds a little bit of stinkage after washing.
It's not so much an insulator as a moisture wicker to keep you dry and comfy. I've done snowshoe trips in lifas and ski pants and been snug as a bug in -10C to -15C weather because my longjohns didn't get clammy. Many sea kayakers wear polypro under their wetsuits to keep the clammy away too. I was in a day trip in Rossport, Ontario and most of the group I was with were wearing their polypros. I was a noob and learned something that day - makes a difference.
Thanks for the advice. I just ordered some closeout REI gear that didn't seem too pricey, so I'll report back on how they do.
Smartwool. Pricey, but worth it IMO.
i have silk and i have Capilene (from patagonia). both are not itchy, and are very warm for how thin they are.
In this case you should be more suitable for loose cotton underwear, while still allowing you freedom of movement, but also absorb sweat and does not make you allergic, hoping to solve your problem on
4/7/13 8:27 a.m.
I have some cheap white cotton ones from Walmart. The aren't to heavy but they fit under my uniform with being to noticable and they don't itch. I also have some flannel pajama pants that work pretty good under regular pants. I could never wear regular thermals either.
The itchy is from your body hair and an open weave. A slick inside finish won't allow your body hair to "move" which is what feels like an itch.