8/25/17 8:19 p.m.
Sold a phone on Swappa. The site had a high reputation.
The buyer put in a claim with Swappa and PayPal, claiming the screen had been replaced with a poor quality replacement, and other statements that simply are not true.
PayPal is holding my money. Swappa has me under investigation for fraud. Both systems feature a "Buyer is always right, Seller is always wrong" mentality.
I will no longer do sell items on online public marketplaces, only on forums, and with other forms of payment.
I just threw $200 down the toilet. Lesson learned.
I really don't know. You certainly have my sympathy. Can they throw around such terms as fraud so loosely? I'd certainly ask a legal opinion.
not that I sell on ebay anymore, but when did all these sites become so anti-seller?
Can you at least demand the product back, and give a refund? I presume you won't get back the item you sold, because I don't trust people...
Haven't used PayPal/eBay for ten years for exactly the same reason. You have no recourse. They know it, and they don't care, because they are the only game in town.
This is why when I use to sell on eBay I would mark / engrave most items and photo them. I had one scam on a msd box the the guy returned saying it did not work. But the one he returned was not the one I sold him and I had photos to prove it. Filed the report with eBay and won. It did suck as they held the $$$ for a while but it is just part of doing buisness on that place.