As I mentioned in another thread, I have an interview this week. I’m not putting the cart ahead of the horse; I don’t think I’ll get this position and expect it to take about 2-3 more months before I get an offer from somewhere—but I like to prepare for various situations, and in this situation there is a possibility that I get an offer. I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts and experiences.
My team has 5 people. I love the people I work with. In my area and industry, there is a good chance I will work with some of them again, if I stay in the industry—I don’t want to be in the industry long term, but it may be my career. We’re understaffed as it is. Part of the reason I’m leaving is that I’ve been tasked with managing a program that I’m just not qualified for (and yes, I’ve told people I am not qualified and I do not want it—it will not end well for the company), but I’m the best we have right now.
Well, the reason I am worried about burning bridges is not because of anything I’ve done in the past or would do, but the timing of it all. Our best employee (more senior than my peer, less senior than my supervisor) is going to be going on maternity leave soon for 12 weeks. She’ll basically be out until after Thanksgiving. And my peer is going on a two week vacation in September. That would leave an already understaffed team of 5, that management thought was going to be down to 3/4, now down to 2 for 2 weeks, then just 3 for 2.5 months.
- I don’t want to leave them in such a hole.
- I am leaving for (1) less/more appropriate responsibility, and (2) more money. Frankly, both are a requirement for me at this point.
- I have a vacation in August that I’m really not planning on missing. If I were to get an offer from this interview I’m going on, I would try to negotiate a start date for when I return.
- If I gave notice and were walked to the door, I’d be fine. I’ll have a payout of 2-3 weeks of vacation, plus 2.5 weeks of pay due to me.
- If my current job matched my offer… frankly, I don’t think I’d stay. It has been too high stress here lately and the culture has taken a change that I don’t see changing for the next 2-3 years.
- At the end of the day, I’m looking out for ME. But part of looking out for me is not burning bridges.
My current thought is that if I get an offer, get the start date for as far in the future as I can--hopefully 4 weeks, which would effectively give me a 3 week notice (vacation), then work as hard as I possibly can to (1) tie up loose ends, (2) document everything that isn't/won't be tied up, (3) get as far ahead on the projects I have open, including working overtime for my last few days/weeks here. Obviously all hypothetical as I haven't even had a conversation with anyone other than the recruiter.
So… Anyone with any thoughts on this? Normally I’d never give it a second thought, but I’m just worried because of my colleagues leave (maternity and vacation). Oh, and FWIW—don’t think this is all on management. We’ve had a lot of disruption at the company recently—an acquisition (us getting acquired), retirement of a key person, expectations of his replacement, new governmental requirements, etc. It is just kind of a perfect storm of events to put this situation where it is.