A former Toronto area women, and a colleague of a very dear friend, is driving her vintage bug from Kabul, Afghanistan... to IRELAND! And, unlike the folks who were so roundly lambasted recently on TTAC and the comment section of AutoBlog... they are humanitarians who funded their adventure themselves. They're trying to raise awareness about the abysmal state of healthcare in that country - their site gives people the option to make a paypal donation to charity - but they are otherwise on their own. It's a really compelling story: Sheilagh is a blonde female, so needless to say she attracts a LOT of attention when driving in Kabul. She was recently diagnosed with Crohn's disease, and became frustrated with the lack of care - in fact all of the doctors told her to leave Afghanistan. Instead, they bought this old bug and learned how to help restore it, while she experimented with healthy local foods in order to try and stay healthy. Real GRM stuff - they brought VW parts back from Ireland in a couple of suitcases!