2/7/10 9:06 a.m. acronym paid no heed by one particular stockbroker, caught looking at nude supermodel photos live on TV.
(NB: Content in link is actually entirely safe for work, and the article itself is a load of drivel.)
2/7/10 9:36 a.m.
Since we have some Aussies on here, how about some input from them. Is the land of Oz that Puritanical? I always thought they were laid back about such.
The land of Oz just outlawed porn involving women with small boobs, because it could be child porn. Not kidding.
New Reader
2/7/10 11:21 a.m.
That article was written by a woman... nuff said.
Unless the company's policy explicitly states "thou shalt not look at pictures of half naked women at work" he is ok.
Besides, maybe the guy was working on Ms. Kerr's stock portfolio and couldn't remember what she looked like. 
autoxrs wrote:
That article was written by a woman... nuff said.
The author is a research assistant in academia. She asserts the financial industry laments the "dearth" of qualified women who work in the field. Considering the beat-down the money sector received over the last few years, one would think honesty and competency are far more important than gender.
Perhaps she's writing from the perspective of someone who judges the world by how she wants it be, instead of what it is.
New Reader
2/7/10 11:55 a.m.
Had she done better research she would know that a graduate degree in economics (or finance or whatever you need to be on the top of the financial industry) is chock full of mathematical modeling.
Three articles on gender and mathematics:
And an article on "quants":
While women and men have equal capability in mathematics, few women choose a career path involving mathematics, statistics, engineering, etc.
Honesty and competency? I thought we were all equal opportunity and helping minority groups.
2/7/10 1:52 p.m.
autoxrs wrote:
While women and men have equal capability in mathematics, few women choose a career path involving mathematics, statistics, engineering, etc.
I'm a math major, actuarial science. In my classes there seems to be more women than guys. Although that could have something to do with the 3/2 girl to guy ratio throughout the entire school.
cwh wrote:
Since we have some Aussies on here, how about some input from them. Is the land of Oz that Puritanical? I always thought they were laid back about such.
Dude, beer on the beaches, legal brothels and nude beaches are plentiful. Nothing like the US when it comes to alcohol or sexuality.
Well the guy is definitely an idiot. Didn't anyone tell him not to look at porn when the TV stations are around?
And a lot of that article makes sense. However I think it goes both ways. I'm really getting sick of this "men are disgusting pigs, women are perfect angels" bullE36 M3. We all think with the wrong part of our body. We all look at other people and immediately decide if we're attracted to them.
New Reader
2/7/10 10:10 p.m.
GI_Drewsifer wrote:
Well the guy is definitely an idiot. Didn't anyone tell him not to look at porn when the TV stations are around?
Except it wasn't porn. It is no worse than Britney Spears prancing around on tv in her skivvies selling you something.
Sex sells, just different strategies based on demographics. Want to sell clothes to a college kid? Use half naked men or women. Want to sell diamonds? Use a well dressed couple. You won't see Britney Spears on tv selling you the latest baby wipes, it wouldn't work.
I would avoid a woman like the author at all costs. Seriously. Like the plague.
I used to work in a Aussie company with offices in the States back in the early 90's.
Theirs is a very macho culture and the men are not shy about talking about women, etc. I imagine it is tough for a woman to get very far in that culture. I worked for a financial services company and there were no women that I remember anywhere in management.
Fun place to work for men, though. There were always cans of Fosters in the office fridge and Friday afternoon was strip club time. Ah, the stories I could tell. None of which could be told of any of the other places I've worked.
We all think with the wrong part of our body
No, we all think with the right part of our bodies. Your culture has brainwashed you into thinking it's wrong, and bad.
BTW, that's not porn. Its erotica.
In reply to zomby woof:
I always thought erotica was just a fancy name for porn.
I wanna work for the Aussies now
, down there
New Reader
2/8/10 9:45 a.m.
zomby woof wrote: Your culture has brainwashed you into thinking it's wrong, and bad.
Ding ding ding... there is a reason we don't have Page 3 girls here.
Nudity can be porographic or artful, the culture here is brainwashed into perceiving nudity as porn.
autoxrs wrote:
GI_Drewsifer wrote:
Well the guy is definitely an idiot. Didn't anyone tell him not to look at porn when the TV stations are around?
Except it wasn't porn. It is no worse than Britney Spears prancing around on tv in her skivvies selling you something.
Sex sells, just different strategies based on demographics. Want to sell clothes to a college kid? Use half naked men or women. Want to sell diamonds? Use a well dressed couple. You won't see Britney Spears on tv selling you the latest baby wipes, it wouldn't work.
Here's a tip: get a sense of humor. I said that jokingly.
No, we all think with the right part of our bodies. Your culture has brainwashed you into thinking it's wrong, and bad.
BTW, that's not porn. Its erotica.
Here's another tip. Don't spout of about other peoples "culture" when you don't know what you're talking about.