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digdug18 Reader
1/14/10 4:37 p.m.


As long as this thing isn't put in the inner city high/middle schools there won't be a problem, but either way I still think someone will get sued over it.


Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker SuperDork
1/14/10 4:45 p.m.

I don't see the problem... unless of course they are doing that with radiation. I fly a lot. I really don't want to get an xray 2-3x a week.

cwh SuperDork
1/14/10 4:47 p.m.

I don't care. I fly international. Don't care about a brief inconvenience. You want to check out my junk through my clothes, feel free. You want to stop some fool with RDX in his undies, go for it. I do not want to exit this life in a fireball from 30,000'. 100mph backwards into a Jersey barrier in a blaze of fire, that's OK.

Woody SuperDork
1/14/10 5:01 p.m.

I don't have a problem with that.

MrJoshua SuperDork
1/14/10 5:04 p.m.

Fine with me. Would be fun to play with if you had a T2 fetish.

Matt B
Matt B Reader
1/14/10 5:19 p.m.

This is the childhood dream-come-true for those "x-ray" glasses sold in the back of comic books! (who cares about the skeleton?)

Where's my pair?

tuna55 Reader
1/14/10 6:22 p.m.

I'll drive, thanks.

aussiesmg SuperDork
1/14/10 6:35 p.m.

I have no problem with it either, I am not trying to bring anything they don't know about on board, and after you scan a couple of hundred bodies....meh

billy3esq Dork
1/14/10 6:43 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: I don't see the problem... unless of course they are doing that with radiation. I fly a lot. I really don't want to get an xray 2-3x a week.

You'll get far more radiation exposure from the flight than you would from being subjected to a back-scatter x-ray screening before each flight. The flight is at least one and probably two or three orders of magnitude higher, depending on flight time, altitude, atmospheric conditions, sunspots, etc.

Some systems use millimeter waves instead of x-rays, meaning no exposure to ionizing radiation at all.

digdug18 Reader
1/14/10 7:31 p.m.

My problem with it is that this will be a whole new fetish video series.


EricM Dork
1/14/10 8:13 p.m.

Actaully, I have been looking for situatinos where it is legal to show off my junk.

DrBoost Dork
1/14/10 9:10 p.m.

OH could I have fun with that. Get a prostesis made that goes down to my knees......

EastCoastMojo SuperDork
1/14/10 9:19 p.m.

If we would just all convert to nudism we could save a lot of time at the airport.

oldsaw HalfDork
1/14/10 9:31 p.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote: If we would just all convert to nudism we could save a lot of time at the airport.

Have you been outside lately?

Global Cooling's gonna keep the nudist's on a shrunken profile for a few decades.

leigerreign New Reader
1/14/10 9:54 p.m.

I see no issue at all with this. Lets step back just a second and look at our basic rights.

In no way is airtravel a protected right, it is a business which you choose to be the customer. If you have a problem with something like this, then dont fly. This shouldnt even be an issue.

Orkboyz New Reader
1/14/10 10:29 p.m.

Would make discovering this much faster.

Airport Cucumber

CagleRacing New Reader
1/14/10 10:47 p.m.

Back in the mid 80s, I programmed image recognition software for various microscopes at a medical university. The software could distinguish various parts of individual cells and perform statistics on large groups of normal vs cancerous cells.

With a little more software development, the Engineers designing these scanners should be able to display a generic image on the screen highlighting the location of anything unusual (like a prostesis going down to someone's knees). At this point, the computer decides if something is suspicious and eliminates the need to train TSA employees on how to interpret the images. Besides TSA employees are likely to be just as distracted by nude images as anyone else.

This just in... TSA recruiting campaign - adequate pay and free porn for joining the TSA!

laz New Reader
1/14/10 11:14 p.m.

Looks like a waste of money and manpower to me. Is this really going to deter an attacker? It'd just force them to use a body cavity. This makes for good news stories, which placates the public. Yay for "security".

captainzib Reader
1/14/10 11:44 p.m.
laz wrote: Looks like a waste of money and manpower to me. Is this really going to deter an attacker? It'd just force them to use a body cavity.

So who's seen Man on Fire?

joey48442 SuperDork
1/15/10 12:16 a.m.

They were talking about these on NPR, and quoted some senator or some such as saying how he didn't want his wife and children exposed... But he was cool with them getting blower up.

Ok I made up the second half. It just seemed sort silly to me.


slantvaliant HalfDork
1/15/10 9:03 a.m.

How about we all just fly naked?

Oh, wait a minute. I just remembered the people in the terminal last time I flew.

Never mind.

GregTivo Reader
1/15/10 9:06 a.m.

In reply to leigerreign:

I can only hope that people choose to stop flying rather than continue to subject themselves to checkpoint mentality that gives bureaucrats ever increasing amounts of arbitrary power. Once airlines start failing and airport revenue goes down the toilet, maybe our government will realize that people still value privacy and respect. Unfortunately, judging by the comments here so far, I only see people willing to sacrfice ever more privacy for a nice illusion of security.

audifan New Reader
1/15/10 9:34 a.m.

I gotta say if you are offended because your a fat bastard or whatever reason then you have two options


RossD Dork
1/15/10 9:36 a.m.

We should all be armed with baseball bats on airplanes. As soon as you see a flight attendent on the plane, they hand you a baseball bat. Anyone tries something with a little box cutter will find out why its America's past time and everyone know how to swing for the fences...Of course the bad guy will have a bat too but strength in numbers. I will gladdly let someone scan my body to be safe on an airplane, privacy like that is over rated.

Type Q
Type Q HalfDork
1/15/10 10:00 a.m.

A friend of mine is an expert in software that analyzes x-ray images looking for patterns. Last year he got laid off from a company that was developing software that would analyze mammograms and flag possible tumors. He did research on these scanners to see if he wanted to to get into the business. Apparently It is fairly straight forward to separate skin, layers of clothing and anything someone is carrying in an image. So the prospect of people looking through your clothing is very real. I can foresee real and fake back scan x-ray nude images of every celebrity showing up on the net. You could potentially create software that would blur out the most sensitive part of an image. But you it would still mean that low paid airport screeners would now get to see the equivalent of you in your underwear in addition to all the other things they can do now. There will be pervs that find there into these jobs and some security crews will abuse the technology. You may be able to minimize it, but it will happen if there is widespread adoption. I am not sure how I feel about it. It is kind of impossible to know how you are really going to feel about the whole thing until you are actually have to do it.

With regard to x-ray exposure, it is really low. Like "billy3esq" said, the radiation exposure you get on the flight is far greater.

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