Well, the Iranian President, Ahm-a-nut-job, in a news report I saw today, said that there is plenty of oil production/supply and demand is dropping. He went on to say that the current extremely high price was being orchestrated in order to promote US development of our own oil fields instead of using the PG's oil, and the devalued dollar was also in part to blame. In so many words. I'll leave the exact quotes as a google exercise to the reader. I don't think he's lying. He then goes on to say that oil sold in US dollars is bad, blah, blah, need new currency for oil, etc. My take from it was that the high oil price was going to berkeley the PG oil producers in the long run.
Next, it seems that the US hasn't built a nuke plant in 30 years and hasn't seriously drilled for oil in 30 years either. Combine that with 30 years of normal population growth piled on with a run-away imigration policy of "I don't see no illegal aliens" boosting demand, Uncle Bill dropping the CAFE requirements, a demand for SUV's from soccer moms, "environmentalists" that think baby fish are more imporant than baby people, and a new religion of Global Warming promoted by people getting filthy rich from it, and we have a perfect storm of no energy available while demand goes through the roof.
So, we put all this together and someone really big is playing games with us so that we'll take whatever comes next in energy and be happy about it. There is finally a push to develop our own oil resources, blocked by Democratics. There seems to be a Democratic push to nationalize parts of the oil industry, without actually doing anything productive about it. Maybe they'll do that at the same time as healthcare gets "fixed," In the "we're gonna get the cat fixed" sense.
It's all very interesting. I suspect that we are finally about to rid the world of the Arabs and their oil. If the US develops its own oil, we will have no need for the Persian Gulf. It can go to hell. Oh, wait, it's there already. I suspect that the current oil prices are a last effort to give them some money so they can buy some infrastructure and maybe build a sustainable economy instead of just flying to whore houses around the world. Meanwhile, the high price means we can develop our own resources, like so-called synthetic fuels which cost about $40/bbl to produce, bio-fuels which mean the rest of the world can go hungry, nuclear energy, etc. About everything except cold fusion or solar, because that would reduce the money we send someone.
I just thought it was rather funny that Ahm-a-nut-job was saying stuff that I've been saying.