10/22/21 11:22 p.m.
A few minutes ago I stepped on to the back steps to have a smoke; yeah it's a bad habit.
But, what I saw in the cloudy skies above was baffling. Nearly a dozen "balls" of light where twirling through the sky with totally random patterns. There were no beams of light coming from ground level to suggest spotlight(s) were involved.
Has anyone in the NW Centra PA area experienced similar sightings?
Not in PA, so no. Just good to hear from ya Steve.
A "smoke" eh? What kind of "smoke"? 
I would guess gnats illuminated by some light source.
...or... you could be going crazy.
10/23/21 3:50 a.m.
I have seen spotlights show up on light overcast without a visible beam below, especially if they are some distance away.
Swamp gas and weather balloons
I would guess ball lighting or willowisps ;)
... or Tequila on Corn Flakes?
I've seen weird E36 M3 in the sky. Ball of light. Didnt move with time so not a celestial body. Too high to be a blimp or hovering helicopter. I do NOT believe it was extraterrestrial. There is a logical explanation, I just haven't found it yet.

10/23/21 10:14 a.m.
Someone playing with drones?
this landed in South West PA back in the 60s. Military came and took it away, then came and took all my grandfather's film the next day when someone found out he'd photographed it for the papers, which was his job at the time.