Eloise is nearly one and she is already staring her learning off right.
My wife took the pic when I was at work, so she picked up the mag on her own volition.
BTW, thanks for an awesome mag.
(P.S. I got large resolution pics if you want. for the mag.. you know.. . hint hint.. 
Cute kid...
Once they get older you can put them to work... this is my nephew helping my brother clean old yeller. 

Oh to keep it GRM themed... more nephew antics...
If you lick it then its yours right? Isn't that what the VW commercial said?
You looking at me?
3/23/10 10:43 p.m.
Couldn't make my nephew look at the camera, he was too fascinated with the bike.
Kinda funny that of the 4 pics only 1 is of someone's actual child. which leads me to believe that GRM'ers don't reproduce.
digdug18 wrote:
Kinda funny that of the 4 pics only 1 is of someone's actual child. which leads me to believe that GRM'ers don't reproduce.
Most of us have court-orders prohibiting us from having children...

The boy digs the new GTI.
grafmiata wrote:
digdug18 wrote:
Kinda funny that of the 4 pics only 1 is of someone's actual child. which leads me to believe that GRM'ers don't reproduce.
Most of us have court-orders prohibiting us from having children...
The grassroots method of producing children is letting other people take care of it. The grassroots individual can step in once every week or two to impart all the bad habits that the parent is trying to prevent.
MitchellC wrote:
grafmiata wrote:
digdug18 wrote:
Kinda funny that of the 4 pics only 1 is of someone's actual child. which leads me to believe that GRM'ers don't reproduce.
Most of us have court-orders prohibiting us from having children...
The grassroots method of producing children is letting other people take care of it. The grassroots individual can step in once every week or two to impart all the bad habits that the parent is trying to prevent.
To paraphrase Dogbert: "Its like playing Doctor without all of the icky stuff."
I can't get a picture of Trevor with a GRM or working on the car... You can't photograph baby ninjas.
3/24/10 12:03 p.m.
MitchellC wrote:
grafmiata wrote:
digdug18 wrote:
Kinda funny that of the 4 pics only 1 is of someone's actual child. which leads me to believe that GRM'ers don't reproduce.
Most of us have court-orders prohibiting us from having children...
The grassroots method of producing children is letting other people take care of it. The grassroots individual can step in once every week or two to impart all the bad habits that the parent is trying to prevent.
I heartily approve of this method. My sister is glad that she and her offspring live a couple of thousand miles away, as I subscribe to the "wind 'em up and give 'em back" school of uncling.
I like my buy him toys that make a lot of noise approach. 
My man-child along with my new tig welder, kid was super interested in the control panel.

PubBurgers wrote:
The boy digs the new GTI.
Until they have to change a window regulator or mess with any VW wiring.
3/25/10 8:38 a.m.
autoxrs wrote:
I like my buy him toys that make a lot of noise approach.
I studied music in school, so I'm fully justified in giving musical instruments to my nieces and nephews. Loud ones. I haven't given the nephew a drum kit yet, but it's coming.
Keith wrote:
I haven't given the nephew a drum kit yet, but it's coming.
If the parents complain, give the kid something quiet - like fingerpaints. 
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
3/25/10 8:44 a.m.
ignorant wrote:
You need to call us and change your address.
877 677 6878
ps: cute munchkin.
Per Schroeder wrote:
ignorant wrote:
You need to call us and change your address.
877 677 6878
ps: cute munchkin.
I'll get around to it............
sometime... When I have the time.