My 10hp snowthrower puked, the wheels don't wheel. I need a replacement. It's an old piece but has served me well. I donated my 5 hp to my brother because it was just a toy for my driveway, he sees it as some kind of animal. Meh.
Not right now, hopefully the snow has toned down to where I can shovel or borrow for the rest of the "season". This is research for next year.
8 to 10 horsepower.
Electric start.
That's it, if you have recommendations or experience that will help, I'm all ears. Cheap is good, barter works.
I have no specific experience but you may be farther ahead by repairing your old unit when you consider the build quality of new units?
Probably just needs a new rubber drive wheel.
Cheap and easy to replace.
My 10hp is 15 years old and works great.
Be glad to fix it for you. Just drop it of at my house.
914Driver wrote:
My 10hp snowthrower puked, the wheels don't wheel. I need a replacement. It's an old piece but has served me well. I donated my 5 hp to my brother because it was just a toy for my driveway, he sees it as some kind of animal. Meh.
Not right now, hopefully the snow has toned down to where I can shovel or borrow for the rest of the "season". This is research for next year.
8 to 10 horsepower.
Electric start.
That's it, if you have recommendations or experience that will help, I'm all ears. Cheap is good, barter works.

I second seeing about getting your broken one fixed.. it is probably much better put together than the junk out there now
it will probably be cheaper to fix than replace. a 10hp unit will be $$$ to buy new. You can probably pick up a used unit for 3-400 come june.
TRoglodyte wrote:
I have no specific experience but you may be farther ahead by repairing your old unit when you consider the build quality of new units?
All new stuff is crap..
Now, If you'll excuse me; I would like to run to the store for some milk later and must go light the pilot light on my stanley steamer now for a trip in the next 30 minutes.
Dan.. Ariens, simplicity, and honda are my picks. I've heard good things about older John Deere's.
If you want some real advice search around here
Here is a thread on blowers.
If the wheels won't move, it's usually a belt. Pull the bottom panel off,after tipping the snowblower forward(handles up in the air) and you should see two pulleys coming off the engine. The one closest to the engine drives the wheels, the other is for the auger. Easy fix. If it's more serious than that, My 10H.P./28"electric start Yard Machine (tecumseh engine)ran $650 when I bought it(end of season). I'm on the 4th or 5th year with no problems and we get hella more snow than most. It doesn't have a headlight, but a smart fellow like you could hook one up, if you really need it.
the light is nothing a cheap or used foglight hooked up to the blower's battery could not take care of
"All new stuff is crap.. "
This. Well, not all of it is crap, but some stuff just isn't made as well as it used to be. I'm doing more and more repair instead of replace anymore. You didn't say what your old thrower is, but take a good look at the build quality of the new ones in comparison to your old one before making a purchase.
Have to chime in that Sears (Craftsman) blowers are also decent mid-pack tools .. My 9 hp (Tecumseh) 27 " blower has given me 12 years of repair free service ... mind you - now that I've written this, I'll probably break a shear pin or something!! 
Got a spare 454 sitting around?

minimac wrote:
If the wheels won't move, it's usually a belt. Pull the bottom panel off,after tipping the snowblower forward(handles up in the air) and you should see two pulleys coming off the engine. The one closest to the engine drives the wheels, the other is for the auger. Easy fix. If it's more serious than that, My 10H.P./28"electric start Yard Machine (tecumseh engine)ran $650 when I bought it(end of season). I'm on the 4th or 5th year with no problems and we get hella more snow than most. It doesn't have a headlight, but a smart fellow like you could hook one up, if you really need it.
Or the Rubber wheel that hits the pressure plate. usually a $30 part
Belt, rubber drive wheel, clutch cable are three things to check, all easuly replaced. Much cheaper than anotther blower.
It is interesting the many snow blowers are made by the same manufacturer, then painted and decaled to who ever
is selling it.
The season is waning ...... I
think I can wait to put it up on horses with no shirt on and a beer. By then I'll be ready to look at it again.
Drop it off at the local small engine shop.Pay in cash when you pick it up.Money well spent. I let the local guy fix my yard appliances when I get sick of them. Pick his brain for a reasonable replacement?
Grtechguy wrote:
Got a spare 454 sitting around?
I was thinking ACVW powered.. but that works too
Get one of these and fly above the weather.

Man am I glad I live down here. 
Curmudgeon wrote:
Man am I glad I live down here.
Sometimes I wished I lived there too, but other times, like when you can't drink enough because it all ooozes out of your body from the insane humidity, or when the mosquitos leave bruises on your arm where they land or you're taking to someone and you just want to finish their sentence because everything is sooooo sloooooow and drawn out, y'all.
Every area has something, we have snow. 
You could jump the stateline and cut all of your taxes in half! But I guess having to deal with the Mshiny happy people isn't worth it.