Why the hell isn't there a damned Parts Fairy?
I'm not even concerned about performance parts, I just need my car to be happy, but she keeps disintegrating parts. We need to get in touch with Hallmark, creator of Holidays and convince them to start a new one for broken cars.
Dear Parts Fairy,
My car is a good car, she is just miss-guided and was once neglected. She means well, she really does. She rewards me with a 4cylinder engine that does not sound like a tractor. She loves to wind out the gears just to put a smile on my face. Even in her hobbled suspension state she makes for a great ride (over smooth surfaces only) which can reduce the stress of a bad day.
Please Parts Fair, bestow your magic upon her. She is in need of the following:
*Front struts
*Brake master cylinder
*Clutch master cylinder
Thank you for taking the time to read this, wonderful parts fairy. I hope next year Lilith (my X1/9's name) doesn't need a visit from you.
Anyone know someone at the card company?
9/25/08 8:38 a.m.
There was one, but now he's a VW service writer. 
I've got a pair of BNIB Miata alternators I could give you for a song and a dance :dunno:
If we get this worked out my AE92 desperately needs a visit from the Parts Fairy.
Dear Parts Fairy,
My AE92 has been a great car, putting up with minimal maintentance and at times even neglect when I was dirt poor in university, but most of the time it got me there and back, and on top of that it was on the track at least 3 times a month and also did autocrosses. It's had a hard life in a hot climate with VERY bad roads. It never broke down at the track and never had to be towed on the street, but now it is old and worn out and spends most of its time slowly sinking into the mud on my driveway. The engine has low oil pressure even when running oil with additives to make it as thick as molasses. The transmission's not in great shape either, the 3rd gear synchro is basically gone and it whines badly and causes the revs to drop quite a bit when the clutch is engaged in neutral, even though it's running synthetic gear oil.
This car was born to go fast but now it's wasting away. A few essential parts are getting more expensive faster than I can save up for them, so please Parts Fairy, grant my car's wish and bestow it with a 4AGE blacktop 20v and C160 transmission, and I will forever be in your gratitude.
So's my Miata. Having a broken door lock and mirror is getting pretty annoying.
dear parts fairy, my beetle is awsome I love that car more than things that I shouldnt say. But please god I want my car back its been in the shop for three months. The shop owner said it will be done tomarrow. At least he didnt say "it will be done at the end of the week. He been saying for thew past three months. Please parts fairy, I miss my baby..
m4ff3w wrote:
*Front struts
*Brake master cylinder
*Clutch master cylinder
Parts fairy didn't bring em, but I got all of the above installed (fixed the starter instead of replacing it) and did a GM alternator conversion.
My X is much happier :)
1/6/09 9:25 p.m.
There used to be a parts fairy, he wore brown shorts and drove a truck that said "UPS" on it.
Haven't seen him since I ran out of money...
How many teeth do you need to loose for the Parts Fairy to bring new shocks?
Dear Parts Fairy: My Abomination has been a good little car and thank you for the new accelerator pump diaphragm for the Dellorto sidedraft. If you could put in a good word with the Fender Flare Fairy I could put more rubber on the ground so be a pal, willya?
My Jensenator has led a hard life and wants desperately to be running again, so if you could please check your Email for the one titled 'Goodies Grab Bag' he'd be back burnin' gas and bustin' bugs real quick. 
m4ff3w, take that dead strut, put it under your pillow and click your heels together three times.... 
Maybe you should try putting the old parts under your pillow ...
1/7/09 9:05 a.m.
John Brown wrote:
Wally wrote:
There was one, but now he's a VW service writer.
And to think people call you slow
914Driver wrote:
m4ff3w, take that dead strut, put it under your pillow and click your heels together three times....
Now my wife relegated me to couch duty for a week... And I have to wash the bedding!
My BMW needs a FPR this morning, tried clicking heels, looked in matching beaded hand bag and left my false teeth in the glass by the bed, still nothing.
The parts fairy SUCKS!!
(Just my opinion; does not necessarily reflect the views of staff or management.)
New Reader
1/7/09 11:35 p.m.
Dear parts fairy. I would like to be reimbursed for all parts purchased for my car and my wifes car over the last 7 years. I am also suing for the cost of my labor and the mental distress caused by installing said parts. It would be wise for you to be in court this time, Mr. Fairy. If you fail to yeild to your court order, a warrent will be issued for your immediate arrest.
12 second Festiva and 275k ProtegeLX
Dear Parts Fairy, I don't ask for many parts for my Samurai, but could you please send me a 6-pack of rebuilt vacuum-advanced distributors? They do not exist in the real world so your supernatural intervention is my only hope. This should be my only request for this vehicle in a couple of years so I'd be very grateful.