11/2/12 9:10 p.m.
Since the big storm, we now have pelicans here in Connecticut. Seriously.
Ornithologists say that since they are sea birds, they should be able to find their way home. But they better hurry; the forecast is calling for a potential Nor'easter next Wednesday.
11/2/12 9:38 p.m.
I dont know about other great lake towns, but green bay has pelicans.
11/2/12 9:45 p.m.
MN has pelicans. They left for the winter though.
White or brown?
Brown pelicans are coastal birds, while the white ones usually favor inland areas and lakes. I'm sure they got pushed there by the storm, but it would be interesting to see where from.
Pelicans are bad ass, by the way. One of the most skilled birds in using ground effect to conserve energy, and are one of the most efficient flyers—which is surprising considering how dorky they look.
The brown ones are nuts! Darn birds will literally sit 6-8 ft off the rear of a boat and beg like a dog for fish. They'll do tricks for em too!
New Reader
11/3/12 5:08 a.m.
I made a comment earlier this week, that it appeared every pelican on the east coast flew past Wrightsville Beach. Guess I was wrong;
They're not quite as tasty as Bald Eagle, but "Any port in a storm" as they say.
I thought you were talking about cases at first.
I want one of these: Pelican toolcase
11/3/12 7:50 p.m.
I'm about 5 miles from the Mississippi river and a few nights ago I heard a seagull over my house at about 3am. He sounded lost and rather distressed.
11/3/12 10:13 p.m.
I see em in blue all the time