To those who know better, does this look like a good deal?
My intentions are for small business use, much of it just Web access.
I like small.
I figure I will upgrade the ram to 8gb inexpensively.
Same but ADM saving $30
11.6" screens are TINY to look at for very long. JMO.
I just got a "overstock" 15" Dell, i3/8gb/1tb/Win7, for $479. My only uses are for web surfing, basic word processing/spreadsheets, and tuning software. Outside of a battery that isn't recognized, it's been an OK machine. Nothing great, but not completely junk.
Looks like a great deal to me!
In reply to GameboyRMH:
Your reply is one of the respected opinions I was fishing for. Thanks. I sprung the extra dollars for the Intel over the ADM. One thing I read said the Intel tests 3x faster than the ADM. Additionally, the Intel version includes a USB3 port rather than just USB2.
We'll see. I ordered.
I have the same size computer in a lenovo format. It's awesome for travel and works OK for web surfing basic stuff, but it's a little small when you really need to get some work done. Overall though I am happy. One call out is that the small computers have small batteries and therefore have short battery life.
No reason to upgrade to 8GB for websurfing. Otherwise for the money looks like a decent unit. Good choice getting the Intel machine.
And, if the screen size becomes an issue, no reason you couldn't pick up a cheap 19" led monitor to run separately or dual screen. Just keep an eye out for deals/refurbs.
Seems like a good general machine that will serve you well for quite some time.
I like small because it is very likely for this to sometimes be used while sitting in the front seat of a car.
My SOP once returning to the desk is sort of a manual docking station that allows for large monitor, full keyboard and mouse.
I do this same with a 11" Netbook that is getting old.
Further research tells me that these units were made for K-12 school programs with 1:1 where each kid got assigned a laptop. As such these are pretty ruggedized. Sounds perfect for me considering that I am rather hard on equipment and really quite immature!
I wanted a Think Pad again. I had one as a corporate laptop in the past and it had a sturdiness about it that made it feel like less of a toy and more of a tool.
For school use these are also spec'ed with an 8 hr battery.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
In reply to GameboyRMH:
Your reply is one of the respected opinions I was fishing for. Thanks. I sprung the extra dollars for the Intel over the ADM. One thing I read said the Intel tests 3x faster than the ADM. Additionally, the Intel version includes a USB3 port rather than just USB2.
We'll see. I ordered.
Intel wrote the libraries that are properly tuned to their processors, which they provide to companies that write drivers and software like Microsoft among others, so their chipsets are pretty well maximized out of the box and the benchmark software favors them as they are built using the same libraries.
AMD doesn't stand a chance in this regard and their processors, while as good or better rarely get fully utilized.
Well, this was here waiting for me when I got home last night.
Remember that part about $169 for Intel and $139 for AMD?
I paid the $169 and what arrived is AMD.
I have initiated the return.
The box clearly said AMD but giving the benefit of a doubt, I investigated further to be sure.