mad_machine wrote: what the hell did it fire and where are those ducks?
slefain wrote: For quite some time I have been quietly lusting after and old-style .22 lever action semi-auto. The kind that you load under the barrel in the tube. Don't ask me why.
There is no such thing as a lever-action semi-auto. It's like saying a DOHC Wankel. Lever action rifles require the user to manually cycle the lever to eject the spent cartridge and chamber the new one. Semi-autos perform this action on their own thanks to rerouting exhaust gasses or blowback action.
And for .22s I like bolt-actions; I have a Savage MkII. But I must say the .22lr conversion in my AR15 is a hoot as well.
Will wrote:slefain wrote: For quite some time I have been quietly lusting after and old-style .22 lever action semi-auto. The kind that you load under the barrel in the tube. Don't ask me why.There is no such thing as a lever-action semi-auto. It's like saying a DOHC Wankel. Lever action rifles require the user to manually cycle the lever to eject the spent cartridge and chamber the new one. Semi-autos perform this action on their own thanks to rerouting exhaust gasses or blowback action. And for .22s I like bolt-actions; I have a Savage MkII. But I must say the .22lr conversion in my AR15 is a hoot as well.
Man, I should have known that. All my guns are antiques so if I don't have to break the gun in half or pull a hammer I consider it "automated".
I have been thinking of getting a gun.. I even went so far as to apply for a firearms permit. Did you know you need one of those to even own a bb gun here in NJ?
Thanks for all the input, I'm looking for ruger dealers in my area as I write. Mad machine that is absolutely recockulous. I can understand requiring licenses and permits for full auto weapons, but we're talking about bb guns. Are you serious?!?
One more vote for the 10/22. Much easier to blow thrue lots of rounds than my Ithaca M-49, a single shot lever. But I do want a .22 lever repeater, anothe rithaca would be nice, but hard to find.
I had a friend who used to have a 10/22, and somewhere he sourced a small unit called "The Activtor". It clamped to the trigger guard, and had a crank on it. It was kinda unwieldy, since you had the hold the gun with your left hand with the stock against your hip, in order to free your right hand to turn the crank. It had a mechanism that would depress the trigger about 10 times for every turn of the crank, essentialy making it a fully automatic machine gun.
Talk about going through a LOT of rounds in a short time!
neon4891 wrote: One more vote for the 10/22. Much easier to blow thrue lots of rounds than my Ithaca M-49, a single shot lever. But I do want a .22 lever repeater, anothe rithaca would be nice, but hard to find.
Look for a "Ted Wiliams", a rebadged Ithica sold by Sears. I picked one up for $100.
mad_machine wrote: I have been thinking of getting a gun.. I even went so far as to apply for a firearms permit. Did you know you need one of those to even own a bb gun here in NJ?
And I thought california was bad...
Woody wrote:neon4891 wrote: One more vote for the 10/22. Much easier to blow thrue lots of rounds than my Ithaca M-49, a single shot lever. But I do want a .22 lever repeater, anothe rithaca would be nice, but hard to find.Look for a "Ted Wiliams", a rebadged Ithica sold by Sears. I picked one up for $100.
Hmm, my Grandfather had a Ted Williams .30-06. It went to my cousin and was lost along with his house in Katrina.
A Ted Williams could be any of a number of makes. There's a cross reference somewhere. All the big names (Winchester, Savage, etc.) made Ted Williams branded guns. Too late now. Mayor Nagin is probably using it for a tomato stake now anyway.
For the 10/22, what you really need is:
I think that's about the ultimate 10/22 accessory, but you need two rifles and LOTS of ammo.
I have a few 22 rifles and pistols. The 10/22 is a good inexpensive all around plinker that is easily modified and attachments readily available. Like big magazines clips. Very easy to shoot also. I also have the tube-fed semi-auto Marlin, nice shooting rifle. I also have that Stevens single shot, belonged to my grandfather and I learned to shoot with it. I also have a savage bolt action that is very accurate. Along with a 22 Ruger semi-auto target pistol w/bull barrel and a High Standard 22-mag revolver. All very good plinkers and target shedders. 22's make up about a third of my arsenal. Cheap and easy to shoot.
FYI Finding high capacity 10/22 mags that actually work is quite a challenge.
I also have a GSG-5 (MP5 replica in .22LR) that I love killing cans with and check out a lever action such as a Marlin 39: fun and holds 19 rounds of .22LR.
A cheap bolt action .22LR is going for under $100, a cheap semi-auto (Savage 64) is going for just over $100. A Ruger 10/22 is going for around $250. A lever action 22 or GSG-5 goes for around $500. How much do you want to spend on a plinking rifle?
neon4891 wrote: In reply to YaNi: It is very easy to find a new 10/22 for under $200.
Where at? Gander Mountain has them for $350. I see a bunch of them on Gun Broker for $200, but add shipping and FFL fees and they're around $250.
neon4891 wrote: In reply to YaNi: It is very easy to find a new 10/22 for under $200.
I'm also interested in this price.
mad_machine wrote: what the hell does it fire and how big are those ducks?
I wouldn't want to guess the gauge on that thing. Wikipedia says up to a two inch bore and a pound (!) of shot. They go back to the 1800's. You'd bolt the loaded gun to a boat, paddle up to a flock of ducks on the water, aime the bow toward the middle of them, and touch it off. Pure meathunting gun, and as you'd guess it was hell on duck populations.
wlkelley3 wrote: . I also have that Stevens single shot, belonged to my grandfather and I learned to shoot with it.
what kind of Stevens single shot ? I have a model 28 Crack Shot that belonged to my Grandfather...
Kel-Tec makes a neato whiz-bang folding 9mm carbine called the Sub 2000. It's about 3 bills, new., image source
Other than that, for real plinking that won't make you poor, the 10/22 is a winner. :)
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