Three months have gone by, progress, obviously, slowed quite a bit from that initial push. But I still go and work out there, little by little, small changes are happening.
With my efforts to tidy up the garage it includes moving things out of it to their proper home.
One bit of that includes getting things from garage to the under-deck building
SO, as I have a few before I take the team to the local high school tennis tournament, here is some pics of what was going on at the back of the house.
From the time I started searching for a house 5.5 years ago I started thinking of the 'wasted' space under the 2nd story decks that I was seeing. "Man, that'd be a great place for a building for the mower and such..."
And then the ONLY house that I LOVED, and eventually bought, HAD that already! But it was crappy. Lots of OSB sort of construction. I mean, they did a piss poor job. It had to come down.
All gone. Burned up a bunch, hauled off the big bits, and was able to save some stuff that Im currently (like Sunday) using for other projects. Awesome.
This time were doing stuff RIGHT
Had a guy I went to high school with come and pour a concrete pad
Then a friend of my father, who builds deer hunting huts (RuttHutts) did the building
Later dad came back in and put in an LED 4' light in the center, and 4 or 5 outlets
Now I have a place for the yard tools - shovels, rakes etc, as well as the elephant in the room - THE MOWER. Man, you dont realize how big a mower is until it's eating up about 20sf of your floorspace in your garage. But, yeah, so slowing getting stuff like the gas jugs, yard implements and such out there and out of eyesight
I'll post more good updates soon! As I stated, I never stopped going out there, and as it's warming up, Im spending MORE time out there, but not the big progress that we saw at first