Be on the lookout for weird emails asking for you to click on a "Google Doc" from "spoofed" (aka contacts with similar names to people you know) contacts you may have. Usually CC'ed on the email is "" or something similar. It's been spreading its way through the interwebs all afternoon. Don't click that link!!!
Here's an article about it:
5/3/17 5:03 p.m.
In reply to Tony Sestito:
Got it didn't click the link. Work Friday night after everybody left decided everybody had to change their passwords because of people falling for phishing scams. It was pretty awesome because I couldn't pick a new password from my phone so I was email free all weekend . Supposedly they were going to tighten up the spam filters. Yet this came through today. I am sure we have some not-so-bright employees that went and clicked on it. Waiting for my phone to stop getting email.
5/3/17 9:44 p.m.
IT at my job sent out an alert today. That usually means somebody in our agency clicked on it. Was told to shift-delete it on the spot.
Thankfully, Google has snipped this down and removed the app access & blocked emails containing the recipient (the payload)