Push a Button--Make Child Molesters Disappear?
Putting aside all of the “You can’t be God debates” let’s theorize and ponder for a moment. Let’s say you, or the President, the mother of a bused child, or even God himself, had a giant red button.
Once this button is pushed, every child molester in the world would disappear never causing any harm to another child. Not only would convicted child molesters disappear but so to, would child molesters that are “absolutely” (this absolution of knowing comes as part of the button’s powers) going to abuse children even if they haven’t yet done so. There is NO question of eradicating innocent people or people that might not do harm—only those that will…
If this button was in your possession, what would you do?
The /b/tard in me says destroy it.
The ethical real me modifies the button so that they don't disappear, they get flagged. They literally have a go-kart flag sticking out of their pants on the back side that says "PEDO." It would be more just that way. Instead of me causing the instant and painless eradication, I'm marking them so that other just people will take care of the problem.
Just "going away" is too nice for child molesters, as is prison. My uncle is one. I won't discuss the things our family wants to do with him if he ever gets out of jail.
12/8/10 10:56 p.m.
I'll start with the unpopular position.
I don't believe in an unforgivable sin, and I do believe people can reform.
I know- statistically it is rough (nearly impossible) for sex abusers to reform.
And while I think child molestation is despicable and heinous beyond measure, I am no fan of a society that does not believe in the ability for someone to reform, and I know what payment I deserve for my own sins.
So, I would not personally push the button. I would want the miraculous dose of grace it would take for me to offer forgiveness.
However, I also believe in societal consequences. I have no problem with the death penalty for certain prescribed crimes, as a consequence chosen by society. I could support extreme societal responses to extreme crimes, when administered in a just and swift manner (not like the system we've got).
There. That ought to get a few folks riled up.
12/8/10 11:02 p.m.
Heavy stuff. We normally just talk about bacon in here
I don't think I'd push the button, either. What if it took one of the pedophiles (reformed, or otherwise) to find a cure for cancer, or something like that?
However what if an innocent loves one of those that would disappear because you pushed the button and I imagine that there would be many. How many of these child molesters have children of their own that love them? Would not making these people go away emotionally harm these innocent children? I am sure that there are those that are reformed from such activities that are now productive members of society that have families that love them.
And while you are at it why stop at child molesters? Why not include murderers, drug dealers, the list could go on and on until you hit jay walkers and people that ride your bumper in traffic I'm sure there are plenty of people out there willing to anonymously make any sort of group you could think of "disappear"
SVreX wrote:
I'll start with the unpopular position.
I don't believe in an unforgivable sin, and I do believe people can reform.
I know- statistically it is rough (nearly impossible) for sex abusers to reform.
And while I think child molestation is despicable and heinous beyond measure, I am no fan of a society that does not believe in the ability for someone to reform, and I know what payment I deserve for my own sins.
So, I would not personally push the button. I would want the miraculous dose of grace it would take for me to offer forgiveness.
However, I also believe in societal consequences. I have no problem with the death penalty for certain prescribed crimes, as a consequence chosen by society. I could support extreme societal responses to extreme crimes, when administered in a just and swift manner (not like the system we've got).
There. That ought to get a few folks riled up.
You revel in making people mad?
I agree with you, for what it's worth.
Heavy stuff. However in the scope on this argument, I honestly wouldn't push it. I despise pedophiles. However I believe in the rule of law.
Its a complicated problem. I would like to see such predators gone, but some people love them, and some do change. Call me niave, but I feel that holding out for the few who do is important.
No push for me.
Drewsifer wrote:
Heavy stuff. However in the scope on this argument, I honestly wouldn't push it. I despise pedophiles. However I believe in the rule of law.
Its a complicated problem. I would like to see such predators gone, but some people love them, and some do change. Call me niave, but I feel that holding out for the few who do is important.
No push for me.
Makes me think, though, what sort of person loves a child molester?
joey48442 wrote:
Makes me think, though, what sort of person loves a child molester?
Ever see news footage of the family members of convicted murderers?
I've seen more "he's such a nice boy" and "he would never hurt a fly" than I've seen "He's berkeleying crazy".
Same thing probably applies to pedophiles. I'm sure their immediate family (in some cases) would believe their innocence and love them no matter what.
rebelgtp wrote:
However what if an innocent loves one of those that would disappear because you pushed the button and I imagine that there would be many. How many of these child molesters have children of their own that love them? Would not making these people go away emotionally harm these innocent children? I am sure that there are those that are reformed from such activities that are now productive members of society that have families that love them.
And while you are at it why stop at child molesters? Why not include murderers, drug dealers, the list could go on and on until you hit jay walkers and people that ride your bumper in traffic I'm sure there are plenty of people out there willing to anonymously make any sort of group you could think of "disappear"
Personally, if the "red button" eliminated Christians & Muslims, I'd spend several very difficult nights discussing morality with m'self. I hope I'd be strong enough to toss the wretched thing out the window..
12/9/10 12:39 a.m.
joey48442 wrote:
Makes me think, though, what sort of person loves a child molester?
Emotions are strange things. My father's cousin killed his own father. You would think that the rest of the family would have nothing to do with him but his siblings and most of the rest of us know the problems he has and forgave him and visit him in the insititution. We would love to see him to the point that he is rehabed and released, but also know it can't happen. I imagine as awful as it is to think about most every criminal has family that feels the same way.
12/9/10 12:49 a.m.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
rebelgtp wrote:
However what if an innocent loves one of those that would disappear because you pushed the button and I imagine that there would be many. How many of these child molesters have children of their own that love them? Would not making these people go away emotionally harm these innocent children? I am sure that there are those that are reformed from such activities that are now productive members of society that have families that love them.
And while you are at it why stop at child molesters? Why not include murderers, drug dealers, the list could go on and on until you hit jay walkers and people that ride your bumper in traffic I'm sure there are plenty of people out there willing to anonymously make any sort of group you could think of "disappear"
Personally, if the "red button" eliminated Christians & Muslims, I'd spend several *very* difficult nights discussing morality with m'self. I hope I'd be strong enough to toss the wretched thing out the window..
Would your nights be more "difficult" if atheists were on the elimination list, too?
Anyone willing to push the button on any singular group should consider the consequences when the button is controlled by someone else.
Sleep tight.

berkeleying 8 year olds, Man.
SVreX wrote:
I'll start with the unpopular position.
I don't believe in an unforgivable sin, and I do believe people can reform.
Not true. I have a friend, fellow car guy and a big help in producing that BatVan the is a Pedo. Who knew? He got caught looking at kiddie porn. Fired from his job, eventually got to spend a few years in the State's penal system.
When it happened my buddy that had to fire him and I talked to some people, court system folks and psychiatrists.
It can't be cured, it's an itch that can only be scratched one way. You may push it down into some deep dark hole in the recesses of your mind, but it will never go away. Period. My counter was that he never acted on these itches, just looked a kiddie porn. Psychiatrist says "If you believe he's never acted on this, you're living in a dream".
A question for RedValkyrie: Why these guys? (very few women kiddie diddlers)
What if you had very strong feelings about homosexuals in the military like the good folks at that church in Kansas, what if they had a similar button? Lets go one further, my parents are Neo-Nazi skin heads and I was brought up to believe that if you're not anglo-saxon baptist you have no right to breathe and should be eliminated, after all you're not really human.
OMG, all those darn Ford lovers should be brought out to the shed and shot!
What's the thinking here Red?
12/9/10 7:24 a.m.
I'm gonna try not to preach.
Dan, I know the psychology and science of the matter.
I also know a God of the miraculous.
Doesn't bother me that it "can't be cured". I know people who HAVE been cured of all kinds of incurable stuff.
I still believe in the possibility for people to reform.
Hey, Poopie's quiting smoking, right?? 
12/9/10 7:35 a.m.
I couldn't push the button....not my call.
Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I truly don't know what I would do if it happened to my 7 year old son.But that would be a specific case, and not mass elimination.
The first thing that I thought of when I saw the thread title was the Catholic Church.
My concern is the person who cures cancer, then gets caught looking at kiddie porn. Would hate to wipe them out prematurely. How about the button zaps you a minute before you commit the crime? And since driving in the left lane at 45 on the highway and not yielding is as heinous as child molestation, lets wipe them out with the button as well. (sorry mom)
If it only made those who have done it drop dead, I'd push it in a second. Those who will? Not sure I can push that button.
As long as you're being hypothetical why not conjure up a pushbutton that would simply remove that urge from their brains, instead of eliminating them? It would solve the problem just as well.
Does God need a giant red button?
12/9/10 9:20 a.m.
This makes me wonder, where DOES that urge come from? We've all but determined that being homosexual is biological, and not a "choice". I have to wonder if pedophilia is a similar thing. I can't honestly say I know any, personally, to be able to ask them in an objective manner, and not come off like some high preaching douchebag. It's not an activity I condone for ANY reason, but I do wonder what makes children more attractive than adults.
12/9/10 9:35 a.m.
Thread is missing some hotlinked goodness.

Not trying to support in any way shape or form the pedos but the theoretical discussion here is based upon a current societal norm of what consitutes a pedophile.
So is it wiping out that 19 year old kid who happens to have a 17 year old girlfriend?
Who makes the definition and determination? Pedophilia is a terrible thing, and if it was my daughter at stake I wouldnt need a big red button to remove the SOB from the face of the earth. But the societal norms which define pedophilia are not constant through time or location. Heck, everyone loves Elvis and doesnt seem to mind the fact that he was 23 when he met the furture Mrs Presley who was 14.
So seeing that it would be impossible to actually define the act I could not in good conscience press the button.
I'm sorry, but there are peopel that just cannot be "reformed". Period. THere are bad apples in every race. It's part of life. Would I push the button? Likely not. Unless it eliminated stupid people..... then I wouldn't hesitate.
In reply to redvalkyrie:
Less see, do I feel compassion for the victims, future victims, or the perp. Push it!
Your minor offspring sextets a graphic pic to his/her boy/girlfriend. Is found guilty of being a sex offender--which is a classification of a child molester--do you push the button?
The can of worms just exploded.