What to do off-season with a nice wintertime fireplace?
Local NAPA is quite proud of their new lift. Once the car is on it, you can lower it down on the supplied wheels and move it around. For advertising they offer a spot for hotrodders to keep a car for a bit. What year is this one, turn signals are different than others I've seen.
In reply to 914Driver :
I don't know, but I want to punch the shifter in the junk.
Lokar is a four letter word, if you have to work on the stuff.
In reply to 914Driver :
Yes. And I was the guy they were cutting checks to, to install that stuff.
I mean yeah, they are pretty much the only game in town, but the shifters are beyond fiddly, and are a real pain to work around if you have to R&R the transmission.
The dipstick tubes are another matter. Ever try to fill a trans through a -6 AN line? I would make a funnel out of a gear oil bottle and spout, and budget a half hour to get five quarts into the trans. And then the rubber dipstick would be completely unreadable until all the fluid clinging to the inside of the tube finally drooled its way into the trans, which might take another 2-4 hours.
914Driver said:What year is this one, turn signals are different than others I've seen.
The one-year-only grille says that's a 1957, and it has the desirable big window option.
This '57 belongs to a friend of mine. Maybe someday he'll do something with it, if he can ever bootstrap himself out of stagnation.
I've spent just over the last 2 years renovating my house. Just put this up today and think I deserve it.
Headed out for our morning walk with my buddy and just had to take a pic of the sun thru the trees and on the grass.
Every day at lunch I eat half of a prepackaged salad. Almost every day there's a huge chunk of something pungent hiding in the last few bites, waiting to ruin my breathe and my attitude for the entire afternoon.
Not today, scallion. Not today.
When the C5 was new, people in the US were importing speedometers from Euro spec cars because they went to 300. US spec speedos went to 200, which means they would not read past 200km/h (124mph) when switched to metric.
Metric countries are probably why the lowly Buick Encore has a 220mph speedo.
I know there is a digital one right there, but if you go by needle position instead of refocusing your eyes from 1000-yard-stare to book-reading, the speedo literally only has about 70 degrees of useful range.
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