Headed east on 84 in the short stretch that is 5 lanes wide, a Carrera 4 whale tail with a roll bar zooms in two lanes over; I fumble for my camera. Car was whiter with whiter wheels. I had to exit in one mile so I tried to get behind him. We went up the same ramp to Danbury but 4 cars apart. The only photo I could get was him disappearing into the Danbury airport.
Nice car!

It's time. Bone to bone contact just hurts not to mention trying to quit its job while going down stairs. =~ (

My seven year old grandson made me a birthday card....
DeadSkunk (Warren) said:
My seven year old grandson made me a birthday card....
So; what I'm getting here is that you are the best and should have a happy birthday?
In reply to DeadSkunk (Warren) :
That's awesome. A lot of time and effort went into that. And happy birthday!

repo man ain't tryna hear your sad story
Gary "landed out" last weekend. When you can't make it back to the airport you find a safe spot to put down. First thing you do is call the local cops and explain who you are and not an airplane crash. He landed in a large community garden whose managers were very helpful in getting him out and disassembling the ship. A friend from the airport 4 miles away brought Gary's trailer and it all went home, smiles all around.
In the 1930s the property was used as an airport taking people from NYC to the Track for $20 and hosted the occasional wing walker or air show and mail delivery. The head of the garden is coming out on a nice day for a trip in a high performance two seater. He's jazzed!

My 6'5" son sitting in a Porsche 906 chassis.

5/5/24 7:27 p.m.

It's Don Racine, the Mini Mania guy from California.

So glad I went through the trouble to drag this bed out for her.
If I lived anywhere near Stew Leonard's, I would put a small camper in the parking lot and just live there!

Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself said:

So glad I went through the trouble to drag this bed out for her.
Our Shelties have always been that way. Grab a bed for them and they lay NEXT to it. Or find another hard place to lay down:

5/8/24 7:40 p.m.

I built this dog house in 1989 for our mutt Roger when he was a pup. (It was well-made if I do say so myself). He used it a lot and he loved it. He sadly left us in 2001, but I couldn't get rid of his dog house. Annie's been urging me to finally do something about it because it's fallen into disrepair. (It was a wreck). Yesterday I did something about it.