Snagged this CRX at Toys R Us. $5 was a bit steep but I've been on the lookout for a 1G CRX for years:
In reply to PubBurgers:
I had to grab that and the Mustang SVO they have in that series the other day. I want to find another one of each so I can open one.
Found a lone remnant of 2011 at a Safeway today, packaging was fubar so I don't feel bad opening it. Love's me some foxbody hatch. Finally nabbed a 2002 as well.
chandlerGTi wrote: I thought white was walmart only?
Nope, Walmart edition was blue with a hot wheels windshield banner. Good times.
In reply to mndsm:
I might be, I want to paint one red like my neighbor had when I was a kid.
In reply to chandlerGTi:
Man, all these variations and stuff...this rabbit hole keeps getting deeper lol
I think I like that batter than the cars; sometimes. I'm not a completionist so variations and errors keep me at it.
As an aside, in a trade last week I received a green 83 silverado with no windows. I now have one of every basic 83 silverado released, with no windows. Very happy.
Not really, there are people who collect certain errors; I collect no tampos, no windows, wrong wheels, no wheels and damaged castings. But there are collectors of misprinted wheels, deco shifts (when the graphic slid up or down), Color shifts (usually from More than one line producing the car at a time) etc.
As an example the green crower cam galaxie that was in the Q cases was released with the basic no rollbar interior. Since it was also being produced as a non-mainline at the same time some rollbar interiors( from the adult lines) got mixed in. I've found three out of the thirty cases I've looked through.
There are 15 mixes (cases) per year, A to Q. Each case (usually 72 piece cases) comes out every three weeks, right now the 2015 A cases are out (target is still stocking 2014 Q). Kmart stocks 36 count cases sometimes that are a mix of old and new stuff.
Obviously not every store gets every assortment, in order to see about every thing that comes in you would have to hit multiple sites every day to keep tabs. It's time consuming but I do it as a hobby not a job so it's not a chore. Most days I hit eleven stores over 70 miles, I commute so I see more stores per day than most people.
I get bored and quit for long stretches usually four months a year where I don't even look, I also notice the same guys in the same stores doing the same things and trade with them regularly.
Who knew? Thanks for the info Chandler.
I can never find Ferraris in any of the local stores I visit. Makes me wonder if there are not guys like you cherry picking them long before I get there ;)
Every store had door warmers who know when the stockers do their thing. Most stores (Walmart , Kmart, meijer, etc) have ten people who stalk the toys.
rebelgtp wrote: havn't had a chance to get back out there yet will try this weekend and see what they have.
How dare you not drop what you're doing and help strangers from the internet get Hot Wheels. How dare....
chandlerGTi wrote: Every store had door warmers who know when the stockers do their thing. Most stores (Walmart , Kmart, meijer, etc) have ten people who stalk the toys.
Or there are people like me who work in retail and snag all the good ones before they get to the salesfloor.
In reply to 1kris06:
I want to despise that kind of thing, buy honestly I would totally do that if I had the ability to.
chandlerGTi wrote: Every store had door warmers who know when the stockers do their thing. Most stores (Walmart , Kmart, meijer, etc) have ten people who stalk the toys.
I noticed when I got to WM today that the HW display was in a bit of disarray and appeared to have some new models. As it turned out there really wasn't that many new ones left. I had just been there a few days ago so I'd say that the door warmers beat me there by a couple of days.
I did pick up 3 of the 8 "Fast and Furious" cars as well as the "Live Batmobile" and the "Batcopter".
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