Last night on the way home I had a bad encounter with some crazy lady in a beat-up Galant. She was tailgating, then nearly sideswiped me while cutting me off on a one-lane overpass, then repeatedly slammed on her brakes while in front of me as if she were trying to get me to rear-end her car, flipping me off the whole time. Has anyone ever mentioned how good the Brembo brakes are on an Evo X? Anyways, I'm used to M@$$hole behavior, but I really have no idea where that came from (did I cut her off by accident? Did she confuse my Evo for her ex's car? Simple road rage?). It seems like lately I've been getting cut off more often by other drivers, too. My new commute takes me close to Boston, so I guess it's expected.
So, now I'd like a dash cam, in case I figuratively run into (or actually get run into by) Psycho-Galant or some other nutbar. What cameras can the hive mind at GRM recommend me?
Coincidently, was just watching video reviews on YouTube this afternoon. I'm interested myself but would value the GRM response over random reviews.
G1W variants caught my eye for cheap but effective.
This is the one I use. It is outstanding.

Amazon Link
Full 1080P, decent sound, decent mount, GPS enabled to show speed and mapped track on included software. I run it all the time.
HD Video shot by me.
I've run the G1W in the past, and have switched over to the G1W-C after the battery finally gave out. Only disadvantage is it doesn't have an accurate time stamp.
I'm trying out the B40 in one of my cars, and I like it for the small size, it's tucked in front of my rear view mirror. Only disadvantage it has is it doesn't mount with a suction cup, so it's not easy to move from car to car. It appears to have similar circuitry and firmware to the G1W, so that's nice, since I'm already familiar with it.
Also lookin' at the Skyview G1
I'll repeat what I told someone the other day. Anything you look at buying, go through dashcamtalk, they have links to legit sellers and usually the lowest prices as well. I personally run a mini 0801, they are up to 0806 currently, with 0805 being the preferred one from that manufacturer. All of My Videos are from the 0801. Only issues I've had after 3 years is certain sized cards won't let the camera auto turn on and my timestamp seems to randomly reset every couple of weeks.
Thanks for the suggestions (and the links, 1kris06). Still shopping right now but I plan to make a purchase soon.
12/31/15 11:34 a.m.
I'm still rocking the G1W after about 1.4 years after seeing eastsidemav's during a road trip. Only complaint thus far, I noticed once the recording light wasn't lit. I popped the card and it was full, after wiping it it's been fine since. I don't know if it glitched or I screwed up a setting to auto-delete oldest clip.
I'm using the Cobra 840. Bought it at Costco on sale for $80. That way if it has a problem I can easily return it. Takes good video day and night. The suction cup mount is solid. So far the only issue I've had is the G sensor is set too sensitive from the factory and it filled the included 8gb memory card after a couple weeks. I set the G limit higher and since then zero issues.