8/31/10 11:30 p.m.
Due to events beyond my control, I was forced to move out of my apt into temporary quarters while they rebuild. In the midst of my move, I came to the realization that I really had too much crap, and a lot of that crap is books and magazines. I know what to do with the books, but can the slick paper that magazines are printed on be recycled as well?
9/1/10 7:53 a.m.
Nothing like moving to make you realize how much crap you've been tripping over. If I didn't hate moving so much, I'd appreciate the opportunity to pare down. But man, I hate moving.
And yes, you can recycle magazines. At least around here, all the paper is comingled, so you don't even have to separate.
Check with the recycling regulations in your area. They are probably recyclable, but the rules are different in different areas.