me out here.
Just looking for ideas I may not have thought of.
So...I'm needing to replace a part of the fence at my house. 6' tall, wooden pickets, 4x4 treated posts set in concrete. It's only about 10' long (from the side of the yard to the side of the house). The thing is, I want a walk-through gate in it that will be used frequently AND be able to occasionally open the whole thing up.
This side of the house/yard is the only possible way to gain vehicular access to the backyard. Not that we plan on vehicularly accessing the backyard frequently...but it'll probably come up once every year or three.
So...I'd like to have two post mounted permenantly at each end of this 10' run and one post in the span that is relatively easy to remove if we want to get a truck into the backyard.
The walk-through gate will be 3' to 4' wide, hinged (to one of the permenant posts) and latched (to the removable post). The part that isn't regularly opened will simply be screwed on (to one permenant post and the one removable post) and that panel can be unscrewed from the posts when we want to get through it.
That's a lot of background to get to the crux of the matter.
How do I cost effectively mount a 4x4 (or it could be something else) post so that it is strong enough to support a fence, but able to be removed when needed.
The first thought that comes to mind is a steel square tube set in concrete that the wood post registers in. But...that's a chunk of change IF I could find the appropriately sized square tube.
Where I'm at now (and this may be a totally bad idea) is to wrap roughly 1/4" of newspaper or cardboard around the post, set it in the concrete, and then when the paper deteriorates, I'll have a concrete tube to slide the post in and out of. Like I said, that may be a terrible idea.
Plus...with all of these ideas, the hole will want to fill with dirt over time (I suppose a shop vac will take care of that).
I don't want the thing flopping in the breeze all the time...but I don't want to spend a ton on this.
What do y'all think?