So I ran into some Subaru people this afternoon, driving a pretty awesome looking XT Wagon (I had the black GC8), and forgot to ask for your contact info or if you'd want a tour of the garage. I was in the middle of working on the motorcycle and mentally still tracing wiring diagrams
. Not sure if you're on the forums, but between Hyperfest and rally-x I figured there was a fair chance.
Also, any other GRM'ers in the area? The Ohio folks are leading the way with meetups, any Richmond/Williamsburg folks want to go to GForce or grab a beer sometime?
yep! if you've seen a blue R53 mini running around town with some stickers on the rear side windows, or a primer gray Miata with a roll bar and a hardtop (sadly in the process of being sold
) running around town, chances are it was me! I'd definitely be down for Gforce, although it'll have to be root beer afterwords for me... I know there's a few other central VA folks on here though!
OK, just checking, there is a Richmond in Indiana and another in my home town of Melbourne
Yeah, I was thinking Richmond Indiana isn't to far; I'd do that.
Sorry Aussie, this is Richmond, VA. Not our fault everything in Ohio/Indiana is named after other places
It's true, we have 2 Springfields