9/5/10 2:26 a.m.
Comedian Robert Schimmel died last night in a Phoenix hospital from injuries he sustained in a car accident last week. He was 60 years old.
As TMZ first reported, Schimmel was the passenger in a serious car accident after his daughter, who was driving at the time, swerved to avoid an accident. She's still in the hospital, but we're told she'll be ok.
NSFW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr2DYzC097g&feature=related
9/5/10 6:38 a.m.
The guy beats cancer against all odds, and then this. That was pretty sad to hear.
A sad thing, to be sure.
I heard a lot of his stuff on XM Comedy, he was a very funny guy.
9/5/10 9:54 a.m.
That's a shame. He was very funny, maybe the best stand-up guy I ever saw--I saw one routine he did before he had cancer and one after he beat it. He seemed to have a genuine appreciation for being alive in the second one.
That sucks, I've heard his story many times and to end up dying like this, wow. He was very funny and he will be missed. 
9/6/10 12:15 a.m.
That dude was cursed. He was on a liver transplant list, IIRC. Every time he was on the Stern show, something utterly horrible was going on in his life.
It's like the powers above were just trying to get him off the planet. In this case, it almost seems like his daughter did him a favor, although I wonder if better driving skills on her part would have made things different.
Josh wrote:
The guy beats cancer against all odds, and then this. That was pretty sad to hear.
reminds me of Sam Kenison...
If I'm not mistaken he lost a son to cancer as well 
Tough life for a funny man...
What a bummer. He was a funny guy. I always enjoy hearing his stuff on XM.
Holy crap, One of my faves, sad to hear.