I need some guidance from the other road warriors here in the hive.
I'm a Project Manager in IT, and my role started three years ago with a projected 20% time on the road. I'm now working at about 90% of work days on the road and our project leadership is all about to change. With that leadership change, we're looking to redefine our roles, job descriptions, and I'm going to be very vocal about the compensation portion too. I won't go into all the details here, but suffice to say my team has been given the bait and switch a few times now regarding being rewarded for all these days on the road and long days at sites.
So how are you compensated for days on the road? When I travel it is typically 5 days straight, living at one somewhat remote site. Travel to these sites is 8 hours each way minimum. I travel on weekends, or just make really long days. When I'm on site, I'm working for a minimum of 10 hours a day. I get at best 1.5 days home on the weekends. Sometimes none at all.
What strategies are you familiar with? Comp time? Some sort of adjusted "road rate"? My cost of living is higher when I'm on the road. I have to hire services for my home that I would do myself if I was around. My family suffers from my absence. How should I ask to be compensated for this lost time with my fam?
I have meetings with the new bosses coming up soon, and I want to be prepared to offer some solutions with evidence of success in other fields or industries.