Some grins for your coffee break.
I can't decide whether to curse this man or raise him to sainthood. I think this guy mangled an SLK (!) to do this. Russian mobsters gots too much money.

Trail blazers vs canyon carvers. The battle rages on.

More of this stuff here
That's a great-looking coat! 
The car sucks.

6/11/08 7:30 a.m.
Wait until you see the Styrofoam abomination that is the final product of the car above
Site takes a while to load, so here's a couple of pics:

aeronca65t said:That's a great-looking coat!
I know! It's like he stitched it together out of spare squirrels, and he's lookin' all butch about it!
Can anybody ID that car? WTH did he kill with those giant wheels? Hooray for vodka and sawzalls.
Edit-That car, from start to finish, is a straight up cartoon.
And to answer my question, yes, he did murder a Mercedes. I don't care what he calls it, I call it the Zombie.
At least his taste in wheels matches his taste in outer wear.... 
6/11/08 11:05 a.m.
Haha... I think it's pretty sweet though. The foam is an odd... method... probably the same for making concept car shells?? The final product's grille and lights are a little rodent-like, I think I like the ghettorag version better.
Then again I'd probably sport that coat too
remember the seinfeld episode with the fur coat? that ruskie is almost as silly looking as Putin posing topless and, hairless, a couple of years ago 
6/11/08 11:55 p.m.
I've seen those (and others like them) somewhere else on the web (can't remember where). I saw an M6 that looked like a full-scale Micro-Machine. Baffling.
Looks like a Russian batmobile. I'd drive it. Especially with that coat.
You know you've gone with a slightly too large wheel/tire size when you have to redesign the entire body of the car...
6/12/08 8:31 a.m.
That foam is some Great stuff. To bad Patrick hadn't seen that earlier. Imagine how much more a miata could bring in if it were carved into a Ferrari.
It would be alright with a different grille and headlight combo. That grille is absolutely hideous.
6/12/08 10:19 a.m.
16vCorey wrote: It would be alright with a different grille and headlight combo. That grille is absolutely hideous.
Well, it works on the Maybach Excelero, very well (IMHO)

It's kind of a welcome change to see someone fit giant wheels by tubbing and radiusing the fenders rather than lifting the car. Still kind of pointless but it calls for much more impressive fabrication skills.
6/12/08 10:57 a.m.
Let's say it works "just as well" on the Maybach. 
I want to know more about superdub squirrel man. That's just awesome.
The Russian picture is beyond words, but I like the picture below it, how the cop is kinda like "Heh, would you look at that. What should be do?"
6/12/08 10:55 p.m.
Luke wrote: Wait until you see the Styrofoam abomination that is the final product of the car above
Site takes a while to load, so here's a couple of pics:

Here's more of the same dude:
He's like George Barris + Ed Roth + Peter Max + a buttload of expanding foam. 
gamby wrote: 16vCorey wrote: It would be alright with a different grille and headlight combo. That grille is absolutely hideous.
Well, it works on the Maybach Excelero, very well (IMHO)

Methinks the Maybach is what he was trying to imitate/recreate.
Yeah, the Maybach nose looks MUCH better.
I wonder if you could get a matching hat for the coat....... maybe even a walking stick and pimp cup.... 
Not my cup of tea in terms of the style, but he does have some VERY impressive fabricating skills. He has my respect for that.
now the Maybach looks like the batmobile.
The foam is an odd... method... probably the same for making concept car shells??
Probably not.
Thank you, Patrick Caherty.