Reading Mazdeuce’s garage thread inspired me to ask a question that’s been bugging me for a long time. How much does it cost to re-roof a garage. I don’t mean a tear off and re-shingle, I did that myself 12 years ago. I mean replace the rafters.
Most roofs are built like this with the trusses as A frames
Unfortunately, my house was built in 1953, before pre-fab trusses and everything appears to have been built on site. The main house is fine, but the garage is assbackwards. The Trusses aren’t connected in an A. They are a triangle open at the bottom with what should be the bottom running at 90 degrees. Don’t’ ask me why I have absolutely no idea. All I can think is they put in the ceiling trusses and then changed the plan on direction of the peak and built it. It’s sort of like this.
Now, there are just two joists running in the correct direction, but they are on top of the main joists, I omitted them for clarity on the sketch. There is a gable on the front of the garage perpendicular to the peek.
Inevitably after 60 years the ridge has a sag in it, no surprise with nothing tying the trusses together they can splay. I do have a persistent leak in the back of the garage that I can’t find. When I re-roofed I put double ice damn plus a large copper sheet under it, plus copper flashing in the gullies, but it still comes in in extreme weather . This is a shot of the house from Google street view, you can just see the bow in the ridge, you are looking head on at the gable.
I’m wondering what I can/should do about it.
On one hand I guess I could try jacking it up with a pole from the floor to the ceiling joist, then directly above that another from the joist to the ridge. I could slowly jack it up over months then try adding some ties in the correct direction. The problem with that is I can see months, or even a year of having this great big jack right in the middle of the garage making it useless for cars.
Alternatively I could get the whole roof replaced. I don’t’ think I’d want to tackle that on my own due to how long it would take to tear off the whole roof, get the trusses into position then put a new roof on. As an evening and weekend warrior that could take months with the house a mess and the garage open to the elements. I assume a crew of pro’s could do it in a few days.
So, anyone got any guesses to what it would cost, including the gable. The garage is 20x20 internally, but I’d want to extend it out the back a bit further to give an outside covered overhand for storage behind the garage. That would either mean moving the peak further back on the house, or changing the direction of the peak 90 degrees and instead of having a gable at the font, have a fill in/gable to the main roof.
Any ideas?
This isn’t a high priority as in the 22 years my wife has been in the house it hasn’t noticeable changed, but it bugs the ever living crap out of me.