aircooled wrote:
ronholm wrote:
..It feels to me like you are trying to wiggle through without a substantive answer? (I could be wrong again as I also suspect this isn't something you spend a lot of time thinking about)
No, not really. I was being a bit careful because, as you read, I was a bit suspicious you were trying to bate some sort of trap or something. I honestly don't have any strong feelings about it, I just honestly don't understand the objection to it. There's really not much more than that that I can say about it, there really isn't.
The only, rather silly, reason I can come up with is that a small group of super attractive (or rich?) guys will end up with all the "hot ones". Of course I really don't see this as realistic and I am not sure any collection of "hot" women living together competing for one mans affection would end well...
I think that Bachelor show on TV pretty much covers that.
If you have heard of any reasonable arguments against it (they of course don't have to be yours) I would love to hear them. I found your arguments against sodomy quite enlightening, I have never heard them before. I don't personally put much validity in them (obviously), but I thank you for bringing them up.
I do completely understand BTW how difficult it can be to get across your intent with simple typing. Things can be taken the wrong way very easily. For example, it is very hard to make sarcasm work correctly and best to avoid (that could have been said in a sarcastic way, and you would never know it
). Anyway, I apologize if I came off too defensive, I will try to be a bit less sensitive in the future.
Please understand my argument against sodomy was more so folks could think more thoroughly about the issue rather than simple "those laws were bigoted".... I would guess if you were to historically study the argument being made in congressional houses.... Think about it.... 150-200 years ago... Not only do they see deviant behavior... but devastating and horrible disease associated with the behavior... and no scientific means by which to understand or control such disease.. Which was and remains a very real problem...... well... just because the laws may be used by bigots doesn't mean that was the sole or primary intent...
My objections to polygamy would be the nearly the same as my general objections to gay marriage...
I feel one man and one woman together for life is the strongest family unit and as such it is in our best interest both personally and individually to promote this family structure.
Deviations from this result in unhealthy (both physically and psychologically) lifestyles..
Not all polygamist men are child raping, 14 year old marrying, abusive, oppressive, scumbags... and the women in the relationships don't fit the typical descriptions either of being passive submissive, uneducated..... Many of the women are bright, intelligent, modern women... and many of the men are generous loving husbands... Yet at the end of the day the rate of dysfunction in these types of arrangements is significantly higher than the 'norm'.
This is why people object.. They can see the problems... It is OK... trust me.. Let them go ahead and judge you for drawing a line...
Then the same for Gay couples... There are plenty of couples who are great examples of not only people in general, but often frign role models for what a couple should be, and how a person should treat a spouse... Yet the fact remains that the gay lifestyle as a whole suffers internal problems which cause disorder and self destruction on a massive scale... We are not talking just about HIV or whatever, but psychological and identity problems which devastate people...
My point it bringing up polygamy is this... Those are consenting adults... Yet you see it... People get nasty in their objections to it... They are not generally going to allowing you to hold that type of an arrangement in any manner close to what they deem as a proper marriage... especially when their definitions of marriage differ from traditional standard. Heck... I would bet before the political ban I could find people on here bashing the the Romney family over this issue, and when it happened there wasn't anyone around jumping the case of those people calling them bigots or hateful, on the wrong side of history or anything else... Naw... insulting polygamists is cool and fun... but in the grand scheme... I don't understand how you can restrict any marriage between consenting adults within the confines of the arguments made supportive of gay marriage..
Yet people object polygamy, and support gay marriage...
The trouble for me is this... I personally don't know if I think it should be the role of government to define these issues for us. I tend to be very libertarian.... Then ya see here is the problem... The government is in a position now where they can't allow gay marriage without being supportive of it....
This is my paradox.