This ad appeared in our local paper this morning. I don't really know enough about physics to know whether this is a legitimate query, or simply the paranoid, schizophrenic ramblings of a supermadman. I suspect it's a little from column A and a little from column B.

That is the intellectual's version of a which Miata is fastest bar discussion
When excited, the proton swells to more than double its original size.
Imagine that....
I think the content is irrelevant, the ad placement makes George a whack-job by itself.
Before I invested time disproving anyone's proposal I would want to see credible findings or results of an experiment demonstrating some foothold for the proposed idea in the first place.
If real, actual scientists would not argue with him (no one likes to prve someone is wrong more than a real scientist because it makes finding the one guy who isn't that much sweeter). I will put my own proposal forward... he is a crackpot.
Wow, That looks like a lot of incoherent rambling to me.
Dude needs to take his meds...
Must be E36 M3e, Websense has blocked it ;)
He's false on his first line:
Premise 1: Matter repels matter.
Um, no. Matter attracts matter. That's what gravity is.
Good luck convincing this guy, though.
2/26/10 1:09 p.m.
Someone's off their meds. Alternatively, it is a top secret message to a spy that only appears the ramblings of a lunatic to those of us who don't know the code. I left my tinfoil hat at home today, so I'll stick with the first interpretation.
Has anyone called George yet? Please record the call.
I googled the phone number. Mr. George's last name is Beaver. LOL
Margie did a reverse lookup on his phone number and found his address. The good news is he lives right next to the fire station down in Port Orange (about 8 miles due south of the office). The bad news is he's only 8 miles away.
The worst part about that pic is the misguided twit has an AWARD!
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
2/26/10 7:37 p.m.
But what a man does with his horse is his own damn business.
2/26/10 9:56 p.m.
Not real, but it's still awesome:
As always, Something Awful is probably NSFW. And awful, but in the best possible way.
Gah there's a fun joke about a character from a Zena-esque show who's name sounded like Horse Raper. I just can't think of it.
2/27/10 9:22 a.m.
matter actually does repel mater in certain ways. Some of the four forces (not sure which) repel and are stronger when close up to one another, so depending on the distance between the two pieces of matter, gravity could be overcome.
It's a bit over my head, but from what little I remember of quantum physics (really, had to take it) it seems somewhat based in truth.
GI_Drewsifer wrote:
Gah there's a fun joke about a character from a Zena-esque show who's name sounded like Horse Raper. I just can't think of it.
that was from the Comedy Central miniseries from last spring called "Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire".. the guy's name was "Horst Draper".
but he wasn't as funny as the bisexual Cyclops- a "Biclops"..