cwh PowerDork
12/31/16 8:39 a.m.

We all know what that sound means. I live at the corner of a very quiet residential street and a heavily traveled main road. But what I saw when going out to investigate was amazing. Little red SUV had been rear ended by a Ford F 150. The amazing part was that the two drivers were laughing, shaking hands. Ford guy went back to the point of impact and picked up the plastic bits that had broken off. SUV seemed to be uninjured. Then they both just drove off. Had this happened back in Ft. Lauderdale there would have been gun fire. Things are very different in Bradenton FL.

EastCoastMojo Mod Squad
12/31/16 8:42 a.m.

Interesting. Maybe they were both out of ammo?

fasted58 UltimaDork
12/31/16 8:53 a.m.

or both high

mad_machine MegaDork
12/31/16 8:55 a.m.

depends on where they are. One of the benefits of living in NJ, very little gunfire unless you live in a few very undesirable towns.

MrJoshua UltimaDork
12/31/16 8:56 a.m.

Was it 3:29 PM? You do have to hurry to beat the crowds to dinner there.

cwh PowerDork
12/31/16 9:03 a.m.

Happened at 8:30AM. Probably not drunk or going to work. Just Saturday morning errands?

NordicSaab HalfDork
12/31/16 9:20 a.m.

I lived in Parrish, FL (Just north east of Bradenton) for several years. Definitely a very nice community.

Appleseed MegaDork
12/31/16 1:13 p.m.

Sure they weren't Canadians?

Huckleberry MegaDork
12/31/16 1:20 p.m.

front driver: "Please don't call the police, I've been drinking"
rear driver: "LOL, hilarious! I'm E36 M3faced too!"
front driver: "We better the the berkeley out of here. Don't leave that plastic with your front plate on it lying in the road or they will find you."
rear driver: "Good thinking - see ya!"

Jumper K. Balls
Jumper K. Balls UberDork
12/31/16 1:54 p.m.

I was hit by an 89 year old lady last week. I was in our POS Nissan shop truck so I was actually delighted that it might be destroyed. I was smiling and gentle to the lady and even asked her to drive the 100 yards to my shop so I could reattach her license plate and we could exchange info in the warm office. It took a good ten minutes to convince her I was genuinely not angry.

Rage does nothing to help these kind of situations.

slefain PowerDork
12/31/16 4:46 p.m.

Watched a wannabe gangsta in a Chrysler 200 T-bone an older Ford minivan with drive out tags on a busy Atlanta roadway. The gangsta immediately backed up and floored it, flying off down the road. Meanwhile the van driver ALSO floors it and takes off the opposite direction. First time I've ever seen both drivers flee the scene of an accident. Welcome to DeKalb county, the land of the uninsured and unlicensed motorists.

einy Reader
12/31/16 5:02 p.m.

slefain ... what is a "drive out tag" ?

slefain PowerDork
12/31/16 7:55 p.m.
einy wrote: slefain ... what is a "drive out tag" ?

The tag they slap on a car sold by a dealer. Here in Georgia it usually has a printed date on in that is good for 30 days after the sale. It gives the buyer time to get to the DMV to get their real plates issued. Sometime it is just a cardboard tag that reads "sold by an licensed used car dealer" on something similar.

That is a legit drive out tag. But there are plenty of these as well:

In my area it is a big "PULL ME OVER" sign for the cops, because 90% of the time the car is simply not registered, nor was it recently bought. Lots of cash sales of cars that may have been passed between a few owners, but never actually legally transferred.

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