10/11/10 3:37 p.m.
So who all is heading to SEMA this year? I have been talking to my friends about a photo scavenger hunt. Something like this:
- Hung over booth rep on Tuesday morning.
- Longest company name (might have to hit AAPEX for that one).
- A booth manned by one person with only one part on display (another AAPEX one probably)
- Lowest grade "celebrity".
- Undriveable car (easy one).
- Largest tires on a vehicle.
- Over-the-hill booth babe (take photo at your own risk).
- Mormon booth babe (at least 90% of her skin covered).
- Any ex-employee of your current employer.
- Worst attempt at a "groundbreaking" new product.
Anyone want to add to the list?
10/11/10 3:48 p.m.
An Asian model without "aftermarket parts". Then again, I haven't been to SEMA since 2002 or so, maybe that's not cool anymore...
Highest number of TV screens in a single vehicle
Worst TV screen position in a vehicle
10/11/10 4:09 p.m.
Maximum conversion from useful to useless (30" blade H2's, that'd be you guys)
** Largest collection of industry goons lined up to get a bimbo's autograph.
I swear every time I run into a clogged isle because 100 dimwits want a booth babe to sign a poster, I feel like sending pictures of them wasting time to their bosses. ( Here's your SEMA budget pal....hard at work! )
It is supposed to be a trade show--- not a gawking, stumble around looking for shiny stuff show. Some of us actually have to know......WORK!
I hope you all post your pics here for final judging
slefain wrote:
- Largest tires on a vehicle.
Shouldn't that be "largest rims"?
How about:
- Most abusive use of chrome
- Most unnecessary use of carbon fiber
most pathic car thats modded
most tastless mods to a car.
loudest paint job
rarest car on display
most tastless booth display that makes you want to hurl