What is with all the "creepy clown" crap going on? Is this something organized, just a bunch of "copy cats" or a combination of both? I'm seeing reports on a local and national level. Is this ICP/Juggalo stuff or unrelated? News mentions it but I haven't seen any analysis of whether its random or not.
That stupid Stephen King book/TV mini series "It" is getting a movie reboot, knowing that I originally thought it was a guerilla marketing campaign, à la ATHF Mooninites. However, the new "It" isn't scheduled for release until next Fall, so it's a bit early for marketing, it's probably just a series of wack-a-doodles who like the attention.
10/4/16 7:21 p.m.
People think scary pranks are funny. What was one scary clown is now proliferated by copy cats. Whole crowd of em got their asses beat recently and ive heard tell one got shot. Play stupid games.....
They are just fed up with kid on clown shootings.

One clown kids got stabbed.
A female CWP citizens was interviewed and said she would have shot the one reported here. They were reportedly trying to lure young kids into the woods.
bigdaddylee82 wrote:
That stupid Stephen King book/TV mini series "It" is getting a movie reboot, knowing that I originally thought it was a guerilla marketing campaign, à la ATHF Mooninites. However, the new "It" isn't scheduled for release until next Fall, so it's a bit early for marketing, it's probably just a series of wack-a-doodles who like the attention.
I doubt it's that movie. Rob Zombie has a new movie coming out this month called 31. Care to a stab as to what it's about?
Sine_Qua_Non wrote:
bigdaddylee82 wrote:
That stupid Stephen King book/TV mini series "It" is getting a movie reboot, knowing that I originally thought it was a guerilla marketing campaign, à la ATHF Mooninites. However, the new "It" isn't scheduled for release until next Fall, so it's a bit early for marketing, it's probably just a series of wack-a-doodles who like the attention.
I doubt it's that movie. Rob Zombie has a new movie coming out this month called 31. Care to a stab as to what it's about?
Interesting theory. Wikipedia says the movie was "crowdfunded".
Sine_Qua_Non wrote:
bigdaddylee82 wrote:
That stupid Stephen King book/TV mini series "It" is getting a movie reboot, knowing that I originally thought it was a guerilla marketing campaign, à la ATHF Mooninites. However, the new "It" isn't scheduled for release until next Fall, so it's a bit early for marketing, it's probably just a series of wack-a-doodles who like the attention.
I doubt it's that movie. Rob Zombie has a new movie coming out this month called 31. Care to a stab as to what it's about?
I just read the plot synopsis and it sounded like the most derivative thing ever.
Bozo says: "Silence you worries or you will feel the wrath of the painted ones"
I vividly remember the movie Killer Clowns From Outer Space. It's clear to me they are all aliens.
10/4/16 8:36 p.m.

Maybe Guido could chime in?
10/4/16 8:37 p.m.
aircooled wrote:
Bozo says: "Silence you worries or you will feel the wrath of the painted ones"
Ok im not scared of clowns. Bozo however, is the creepiest motherberkeleyer alive.
Its not that many years ago that clowns were a funny, enjoyable part of a kids birthday party. What was the watershed event (I presume its a movie) that tipped them into the modern day creepy mode?
In reply to Streetwiseguy:
I'm in my mid 30s and can't recall ever finding a clown fun or enjoyable.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Its not that many years ago that clowns were a funny, enjoyable part of a kids birthday party. What was the watershed event (I presume its a movie) that tipped them into the modern day creepy mode?
I'm not sure... both my parents, born in the fifties, never liked them/found them creepy as well. I don't think it's new.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Its not that many years ago that clowns were a funny, enjoyable part of a kids birthday party. What was the watershed event (I presume its a movie) that tipped them into the modern day creepy mode?
People like me realizing there are full grown adults more afraid of clowns than text and drivers. Trying to have a laugh, that some idiots then turn into violence, and police campaigns(at least locally) threatening to harrass anyone dressed as a clown for trick or treat night.
Kinda makes me want to dig out my John Wayne Gacy/Pogo the Clown outfit from years ago.
Although it could be everyone just caught up on American Horror Story Freakshow, now that I remember Pogo.
10/4/16 9:23 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Its not that many years ago that clowns were a funny, enjoyable part of a kids birthday party. What was the watershed event (I presume its a movie) that tipped them into the modern day creepy mode?
I loved clowns as a child. I wanted to be one when I grew up. Then It happened. I blame It. And my sister had a big stuffed clown that scared the E36 M3 out of me. Another long story with that thing.
A lot of people I know still has nightmares about the clown doll from the Poltergeist movie.
stuart in mn wrote:
Mass hysteria.
This, this, this. 1000 times this.
People think it's funny to post on their social media feeds that clowns are going to stab people at "insert local school/office/gathering". Helicopter parents and kids flip out and make a big deal out of it, freaking more people out, making bigger deals out of it, wash/rinse/repeat.
15 year old texted me today that there were kids in his school freaking out that it was going to occur there. We live in super boring suburbia where nothing happens. Yet, enough kids (and teachers, apparently) talked about it that the school board felt it necessary to send an email that they are "monitoring the events" and "working with the police". Was sooo happy when my son simply responded later, "These people are stupid....."
So, if you haven't heard about it in your town, you will. Kinda like the same horror stories we all grew up with (creepy old lady in the local scary house, kind of stories) that always had the same basic premise, regardless of what little town it was in. This is the modern version with the internet just spreading it much faster and already over protective parents feeding the frenzy. Just wait until the VP debate is over and CNN gets a hold of it.......
Oh, and I'm sure some psycho might end up actually doing something, which will turn it into a national epidemic and our government will get involved to protect us.
Sorry for the rant, it's been a challenging day (for other reasons).
I heard on the news today they are starting Public service announcements
"Don't shoot the Clowns"
On FB..
Orem Police Department
Yesterday at 6:46pm ·
Here's seven words we never thought we'd be saying....."Let's have a serious talk about clowns".
We have answered over 40 questions on FB and a few dozen calls at our dispatch center about clowns today. It's not the number of calls or messages that is concerning but the content of the messages.
"Can I shoot or take action against someone that is dressed up like a clown"? That's not a simple yes or no question. It has a lot of variables to it.
Utah's law on force against another person (76-2-407) can be found at: https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title76/Chapter2/76-2-S402.html
We can't answer every situation here in this forum, there are to many ifs.
I don't even like it when Cam dresses as Fizbo on Modern Family.
My dislike is probably my parents' fault, at least dad's. Dad is a decent artist, there was a pen and ink sad clown of his, framed and hanging in the hallway to my childhood bedroom of the first house I lived in. I recall it creeping me out to the point of walking all the way against the wall opposite that piece of "art" as I went by, and leaving the hallway light on at night.
10/4/16 9:42 p.m.
I just read a story about some kids getting charged for wearing masks. Apparently Louisiana has a law on the books that somehow criminalizes wearing a mask in public outside of Halloween and Mardi Gras. I'm not sure how they can get away with such a law, but hey, Louisiana.
Two cannibals are sitting next to the campfire. Earlier today they caught and killed a clown and they are roasting their prize for dinner. While eating, one stops and says to the other, "Does this taste funny to you?"