I think I've lost faith in my primary care physician. I don't know whether I'm being unfair, overthinking things, or if I'm legitimate in wanting to switch to a different doctor. I've got my annual physical coming up in a few weeks, and now would be the time to get a new Dr.
Short Version - Dr. told me completely spuriously to go to an ER, which has hurt my trust in him. I don't know if maybe I'm being too hard on him.
Situation was - I got bitten by a mouse back in October. I figured this was a non-issue, but wild animals can carry diseases so I sent an online message basically saying, "I'm not worried about this, but should I be?"
No response from my Dr. directly, but his office calls me a couple times, and eventually tells me that I *need* to go to an Emergency Room for a tetanus booster and rabies vaccine. Went to urgent care, and they could do tetanus, but not rabies.
Go to ER... and they were like, "Rodents don't carry rabies. Checking your records, you're current on your tetanus. Here are some antibiotics. That'll be a $750 co-pay, and you'll almost certainly get billed for more later by your insurance."
So... my Dr. should have known that rodents don't carry rabies and that I was current on my tetanus. I see this as either, he had a major gap in his knowledge, or he wasn't really paying attention and just gave a blanket CYA answer that has ended up costing me over $1,000. Both of these hurt my trust in the quality of care I'll get from him.
Or am I being too hard on physicians who are overwhelmed with stuff right now? That any primary care Dr. is going to be overwhelmed with stuff right now, and would not devote time or energy to someone saying, "I was bit by an animal." That any Dr. would just have the office staff give the most CYA directions possible?
Try to get a new primary care Dr.? Or suck it up and just be glad that I'm good enough financially to handle the money that the healthcare industry is bleeding me for?