Yes for us "northerners" it's that time of year. Some day I'll smarten up and move to a warmer area but for now gotta make the best of it where I'm at. I only have a rusty old 10 hp MTD 2 stage walk behind but I know some here have some neat machinery ie tractors, etc. Post up what you use.
Just a shovel here too. My trick is to pack the driveway with parked vehicles so I only have to shovel the very end...
fasted58 wrote:
thas all I got
Yup mine is a newer black and yellow plastic model. Starts everytime I need it, first push
My cheap MTD 24" snowblower was in over it's head last night dealing with the 14" we got here. But that's a pretty rare situation. Most of the time it's more than enough.
I'm the care taker and operator of this monster. 40HP Yamnar diesel with a heater. The gentleman up the street actually owns it but he has a habit of blowing sheer pins. Anyway, just got done doing the road and a few driveways.

^^^^ jealous.
I just have one like this and Jr. operators.

In reply to Grtechguy:
Having Jr. operators is far better than a heated cab.
11/22/15 3:00 p.m.
i have a 1973 wheelhorse 16hp with a hydraulic plow and tire chains. it's a far cry from when i had a plow on my dump truck, but it gets the job done. looking at a 52 allis chalmers model b with a front mounted plow, but it might be locked up from sitting.

I've not actually used it yet, I use a 44" blower on the front of my lawn tractor which does the truck pretty well....
A friend plows my parking area on an old 70s sears gardrn tractor. But my the coolest tractor is a friends dads. Its an old sears equipped with an anglia 1600cc 4 cylinder.
In reply to chandlerGTi:
A blade on a Rabbit pickup? You, sir, are my favorite kind of crazy. My only question would be what happens if the blade starts to ride up on the snow? Since it's FWD, it seems like you might have some traction issues...
That was the local VW dealers snow removal apparatus from 1980 to 1994 when they closed. That's all they had so it must work well. I called snoway and they laughed and said that they made about 40 of them.
Edit: I've been half heartedly looking for a GTI or a Cabby to put it on.
11/22/15 5:09 p.m.
<img src="
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In reply to ChandlerGTI:
Near me there's a 90s Corolla with some kind of dual front wheels, tire chains and a plow, I'm sure Pat has seen it as well (on 303 between Pearl and the fire station). Looks awesome.
Theres a civic in Toledo I've seen with dual 13" tires and a tiny plow, it is humorous.

On the left is my 1969 Yard Man Snowbird, and on the right is my 1987 Bolens 8/24. They are basically The Road Warriors wrestling tag team of the snowblower world.
The Yard Man is an interesting machine from a bygone era. Safety was NOT a priority when it was made. The auger basically spins whenever it is running, and that big T-handle shifter controls forward, reverse, and neutral. To get it moving, you shift it into forward and pull a rod out which holds the wheels from spinning. From there, you can just let the thing tool around the yard if you want by itself!Weirdest part is that the chute doesn't move conventionally; the entire center barrel moves on a chain-driven crank. Very strange and very rare machine. Also, the owner's manual instructs the owner to "remove all sticks, rocks, and bones" (effing BONES!!!!!!) from the path of the machine, so I named it the Zombie Auger. 
The Bolens is a big ol' beast, built in the 80's and loved by the ladies (well, SWMBO, anyway). It runs an 8hp Tecumseh Snow King with the optional electric start. Story behind this one is that my dad and uncle both bought identical machines before the winter of 1987. They were something like $1200 each back then. My dad's got a lot of use and was stored in a really damp area, so it rotted into a big cast iron nugget in a short time, while my uncle's got very little use and was kept in his garage. Last year, he called me up and told me to take it and see if I can get it running, as he was moving and no longer wanted it. While it fired up with a new plug and fresh gas, the thing was idling terribly and leaking fuel everywhere. I tossed a new carb on it and it ran like a champ throughout the worst winter in New England's recorded history.
That reminds me, I better wake these two up this weekend.
11/24/15 8:07 a.m.
I put a plow on my craftsman riding mower last year. Maybe it was the 20 year old, rock hard tires or the heavy slushy snow, but it didn't do so well. You really need weight and some good traction.

It is not mine, but it could be yours. It is listed on Craigslist for $58K.
SilverFleet wrote:
On the left is my 1969 Yard Man Snowbird, and on the right is my 1987 Bolens 8/24. They are basically The Road Warriors wrestling tag team of the snowblower world.
The Yard Man is an interesting machine from a bygone era. Safety was NOT a priority when it was made. The auger basically spins whenever it is running, and that big T-handle shifter controls forward, reverse, and neutral. To get it moving, you shift it into forward and pull a rod out which holds the wheels from spinning. From there, you can just let the thing tool around the yard if you want by itself!Weirdest part is that the chute doesn't move conventionally; the entire center barrel moves on a chain-driven crank. Very strange and very rare machine. Also, the owner's manual instructs the owner to "remove all sticks, rocks, and bones" (effing BONES!!!!!!) from the path of the machine, so I named it the Zombie Auger.
The Bolens is a big ol' beast, built in the 80's and loved by the ladies (well, SWMBO, anyway). It runs an 8hp Tecumseh Snow King with the optional electric start. Story behind this one is that my dad and uncle both bought identical machines before the winter of 1987. They were something like $1200 each back then. My dad's got a lot of use and was stored in a really damp area, so it rotted into a big cast iron nugget in a short time, while my uncle's got very little use and was kept in his garage. Last year, he called me up and told me to take it and see if I can get it running, as he was moving and no longer wanted it. While it fired up with a new plug and fresh gas, the thing was idling terribly and leaking fuel everywhere. I tossed a new carb on it and it ran like a champ throughout the worst winter in New England's recorded history.
That reminds me, I better wake these two up this weekend.
I can't see the above pic (s).
You struck a chord with the Road Warriors reference. Hawk, Animal and Paul were insanely awesome. I always wanted to see them vs Brody (huss huss) and Hansen.
11/24/15 11:17 a.m.
XLR99 wrote:
In reply to ChandlerGTI:
Near me there's a 90s Corolla with some kind of dual front wheels, tire chains and a plow, I'm sure Pat has seen it as well (on 303 between Pearl and the fire station). Looks awesome.
yep. john brown requested a picture from me, i'm waiting until he gets the blade on it. silly little thing.
When I was growing up, back in the '50s, our next-door neighbor (not a car guy, but a tinkerer) built a snow thrower powered by a Ford V8-60 flathead - this for a driveway that was flat and maybe 60 feet long. Needless to say, it would throw the snow - like not just from his driveway, but all the way over our lot to the next one over.
Now that I'm almost 70, I use a shovel on the deck and pay a guy with a truck to do my 130-foot driveway and turnaround area. Last week when we got 19 inches overnight (we average 155 inches/year here), I got to sip my hot chocolate while watching the driveway get plowed. I used to do it myself with a walk behind, but these days, I figure what the heck, enjoy it.
I have a Lawn Boy 1032 - Essentially a 10HP, 32" wide cut. Gear driven, built in the late 80s or early 90s. Its a beast.
The best part is the 32" cut. Residential sidewalks where I live are 60" wide, so with my previous 28" snowblower, they took 3 passes. With the 32" cut, it gets the job done in two. Believe it or not, going from a 10HP 28" snowblower to a 10HP 32" snowblower cut my snow moving time in half.
The one thing I never expected was how much a corner lot sucks. I have sidewalks down both sides of my property, a 3 car wide, 2 car deep rear driveway that all must go one way because of the house, a 1 car wide, 3 car deep front driveway that must go one way because of the house, and a walkway. My 1/4 acre has a lot of concrete on it!
I'll share once we get snow that's worth moving....