Old Craftsman snow blower here 9hp B&S I think on it and at least 20 years old I think??? It will not die. I change the oil every spring and top off the fuel (that always has stay-bill in it) and the dam thing just keeps going. Starts first pull every fall. I would like a bigger one but can not justify it until this one dies.
11/24/15 5:29 p.m.
I leave $20 under a rock, I come home and my snow is gone.
1995 MTD 26" 8hp. $699.99
Have had to replace some parts. Most being the plastic bushings call bearings.
It will be getting new belts in a few days. I need to look at the shear bolt holes in the auger and shaft. They are getting sloppy.
I think the engine may be getting low on compression as it doesn't want to start by hand when cold, need the electric starter. It used to start on the first or second pull. Still runs great.
We have a 1969 Wheel Horse Raider 12 with the front scraper blade. We haven't had any snow since we bought it this summer, but I am looking forward to our first snowfall worth moving. I have a feeling that anything over six inches and we are going to wish we had the mid blade instead of the front mount, but we rarely see that much snow here. No pics because phone.
I have the 20hp Jinma front wheel assist tractor that Northern tools sells as a"Nortrac."
For it I have the 4' loader bucket, 7' rear blade, and 5' snow blower.
I also have an old craftsman riding mower that I am going to take apart and merge with parts from a rear steer Jacobson reel mower and a generic 42" riding mower snow blower attachment to build a tiny snow fighter.
11/24/15 8:30 p.m.
Honda single stage here. I probably run it harder than it was meant for, but it keeps going. My driveway is rough on scraper blades and auger paddles, so I keep a spare set.
11/25/15 4:03 a.m.
Right now we have a honda foreman 400 with a 48" plow that mostly gets the job done clearing the 40x40 parking pad, 120' driveway, and when I'm feeling froggy the 3/4 mile road to the main road the borough usually forgets to plow. Takes about 45 min to do it all with the normal fluffy powder we get, but today we got about a foot of good snowball snow so after clearing the parking pad and a path to the road we called the guy with a real plow truck.
Stuck between getting a plow for the f250 or getting a bigger atv with a 60" blade...
Someone needs this....

I've been using a shovel just like this for years. It's pretty worn out on the edge, but still works great! Mostly it hangs in the garage. It also doubles as a chicken coop scooper-outer.

Found that blurb from the instruction manual on my 1969-vintage Yard Man Snow Bird:

How about Colin Furze's pulsejet snowblower?

I would link to the video, but it seems to have been removed from youtube. :(
I swap between this:

And this:

Depending on how much we get.
12/13/15 7:02 p.m.
I use a 15mph speed limit sign, bent, and bolted to a length of chain link fence post with some electrical tape wrapped around the rusty post. "Shoveling" is more like just walking and holding the handle at the same time. The snow rolls off to the sides.