Is it possible to buy a smartphone that has Wi-Fi connectivity so that I can use the web via network at home/work but NOT cell-based connectivity?
I basically need a Palm Pilot stuck inside my phone but I don't want to pay for the cell-based wireless stuff cuz, well, I don't need it.
5/6/09 3:25 p.m.
Yeah, that really pisses me off too with my Palm Treo on Verizon. The wife and kiddies get free picture messaging, etc. on exactly the same plan, yet I get dinged for "data transfer" just because it's a smart phone.

5/6/09 3:59 p.m.
Buy an iPod touch and stick with your current phone.
Yes you can but you are going to pay full price for an unlocked phone. No cell company is going to sell you a smartphone without a data plan. So figure out which one you like and browse e-bay or craigslist. It of course needs to also be a model that works with your carrier.
I have a Samsung Omnia from Verizon and I don't have a data plan. I log in using WiFi, a bluetooth connection to my PC, or just dialing in using unlimited night and weekend minutes. Awesome phone, like PC version of an iPhone. And yes, it is just like a PC version of a Mac in every respect.
^ Sweet! I plan on getting that soon
New Reader
5/6/09 7:37 p.m.
my black berry bold has wifi... don't need a data connection to make it work.
5/6/09 8:01 p.m.
I have an HTC XV6700 w/ Verizon and have the data connection blocked. You must chose the pay-per-use feature, which is about $2/mb of data transfer.
My theory of operating solely off WIFI was a big mistake. It drains the battery about 5x as quickly as with bluetooth, phone, and data radios connected. You either will need a charger wherever you go, or an extra battery if you intend to use WIFI regularly.
Head over to and select the "phone finder tab." From there put in the features that are important to you.
This is a good unbiased site that does not try to sell you anything.
New Reader
5/6/09 10:08 p.m.
my BB will go all day on wifi. I am connected to wifi anytime I"m home. what really kills it is using pandora mobile all day and using my GPS navigation all day. if I'm light on those, though, I only charge every night. I did notice a hit on battery useage when my local network transitioned into 3g. wouldn't think it'd make a difference, but it did.
pinchvalve wrote:
And yes, it is just like a PC version of a Mac in every respect.
Is that supposed to be a recommendation or a warning?