2010 pretty much sucked for us, few nice highlights, but mostly it was berkeleyed. BUT, it could have been even worse, so why complain 
Im very much looking forward to 2011, I have a feeling it will be a good year! it has to be, because we already know 2012 is really going to suck, what with all the end of the world and zombie apocalypse stuff scheduled...

1/1/11 12:33 a.m.
2010- Lost my aunt in a horrid motorcycle crash that nearly took both my parents' lives, as well. The husband and I renewed our wedding vows 2 weeks ago, finally having the wedding day we wanted surrounded by our friends and family. A bittersweet day to face without my aunt.
Yep, 2011 has to be better.
2010, not too bad.
Cons-screwed by State Farm, didn't get F/T at work, lost the cat I had for 11 years.
Pros- Job is stable, settled on a wedding date, SWMBO moved in, took in a new cat, Life is pretty good.
2011, getting married, might be moving to boston for work, who knows what else will come up.
I can't say '10 sucked as we were blessed with another almost perfect little girl in January, but almost getting the whole family killed a month later wasn't much fun. If I can get the house refinanced and avoid minor catastrophes (roof caving in, floods, accidents, felony arrest) then it should be okay.
I had a pretty good 2010.
-youngest son is doing better at university now that he's working on his major.
-older son got married, so I'm a father-in-law !
-doctor found arterial blockages before a heart attack, so the bypasses will have me back to normal soon.
-The cardiologist says I can start playing hockey again March 1st.
Glad to be here ! Happy 2011 everyone.
Resolutions for 2011,,,make it to the Mitty and the Challenge, take a ride in a glider, work on convincing SWMBO that a vintage racer would be therapeutic!
1/1/11 8:47 a.m.
Not a bad year at all-
In spite of losing the trans in my motrhome while towing the racecar.
Job is going well.
Finished 3rd in SCCA NE Division national points.
Got Sunoco Hard Charger Award at the Runoffs in EP after a difficult week in qualifying.
I got to beat a lot of younger guys to accomplish this.
Got my newly rebuilt motor back just before Christmas and it's in the car almost ready for next race season.
I'm on detached assignment at work and doing some really interesting stuff with intelligence analysis.
I haven't run out of money yet.
My health is good and I am shooting for a Divisional championship in 2011( 3 years in a row 3rd by 1 or 2 points).
Got a new to me toterhome to replace the motorhome that was going to run me out of money.
Hmm, well '10 was a pretty good year for me on the front. I started a new position in November in the same line of work i've been in for the last couple years (if its for me is still being determined). My health is good, I have money in the bank, beer in the fridge, a bike that suits my need (I went through 4 in two years before), good friends and a car that starts up in the morning with a good heater so I don't think I can really complain. I'm still a free agent in the dating pool but you can't win em all..
I have no room to complain really, but 2010 wasn't the best year of my life, nor the worst. Most of the year was darn good, I'd love a do over for the last 3 months.
Cracked up my race car pretty good, and I'm kind of stalled as to where to go from here. Now that I'm a parent, I have a tough time justifying setting aside a good chuck of cash to get into a replacement car.
However, when they say there are two types of racers, those that have wrecked and those that will wreck. I can say I've wrecked pretty good and still have my head attached to my body. My car can be replaced, and for that I'm thankful. I have no fear of hopping back in a race car, just don't have the budget at the moment. I do regret having only 2+ events before wrecking the thing. I don't think I put 200 miles on it.
Well, 2010 came in with a bang thanks to Iraqi mortars and rockets. This year didnt, so this year is already better!
2010 - moved from one continent to another one, from an overcrowded part of south-Eastern England to the edge of the desert in Northern Nevada. Got a good job up there, too, in a less stressful environment that I'm used to. Good thing that it all worked out, nearly had my US visa expire before I could travel out here thanks to the Icelandic volcano.
Thanks to all that upheaval I haven't driven a car on the track all year, something I intend to change in 2011...
2011 is probably still going to be somewhat stressful as I have to finish up my move (sell the house in the UK, sell the last remaining vehicle over there).
Graduated with Bachelors finally, after nearly 8 years of on and off schooling.Followed the girl of my dreams to where the jobs are good for her, and she supports me (even if I'm not making any money). Made some good friendships. Experienced someplace new and challenged myself to follow my heart and not my wallet.
Left potential career hotspot. Left behind most of my family and long-time friends. Struggled to find income.
Find better employment, meet more people, wake up every morning happy, poor or not.
2010 was a okay year. Had its ups and its downs.
List of cars I acquired thru out the year:
1995 Volkswagen Passat Wagon (traded)
1976 Fiat 128A (again)(sold)
2001 Volkswagen Jetta 1.8t (traded)
1993 Volkswagen Eurovan (sold)
1995 Volvo 850 GLT (still trying to get running)
1985 Jeep Cherokee (runs like a top!)
Job is good, wish it could be better. But i dont want to complain. There are many out there that would kill to have a job, so i am very thankful that i have one.
Was planning on proposing to my girlfriend, but my mom misplaced the Wedding ring that her grandmother gave to her, in turn was going to give to me as i am the first born son. So, the girlfriend was less than happy last night because i didnt propose.
I would say, the lowest point of the year to me was being arrested on crap miscommunication on the DMVs part. I have to go to court in a week or so, but i am almost certain that the charges for their mess up will be dropped.
I am hoping for a great 2011. Going back to work on Monday, really gonna put my head down and work hard and try and get my projects thru to the bosses as well as finish my own projects.
Some of you are making this way to long of a read....
My 2010
- Sold a Supercharged S197 Stang for a 2010 Civic Si
- Got Dumped
- Got a few great job leads that are still progressing
- Found an amazing woman
- And still have a job!
2010 was very uneventful car-wise for me, except for starting classes at NTI
I bought my forte january 3rd I think, and still have it. Gave my sister the mazda and it spontaneously combusted in August lol
Tried to buy back my e28, no dice because it was sold THE DAY BEFORE I asked about it sadly
pretty bummed on that
might buy a 74 el camino ss though!
2010 My father has had very bad health problems, i got married and then berkeleying divorced. Here's to 11
2010 was a banner year for us. The busiest since we opened the doors in 05. The daughter got into the college she wanted and most of it was payed for by scholarships. All in all 2010 was pretty good. 2011 is shaping up to be another great year. I hope all of you have a good 2011 also.
2010 was great for work. Picked up another office to take care of, lots of travel, lots of dealing made huge money all over the place.
Personally, crap, buried two relatives and one friend. Lost my cat, first pet, some major health problems due to stress and genetics have popped up hard.
2011 I have some major plans but need to get health first.
DirtyBird222 wrote:
Some of you are making this way to long of a read....
I don't know about you guys, but I rarely read posts longer than about 4 sentences.
Rufledt wrote:
moved to boston to begin graduate school,
Welcome to Boston! Let me know if you need anything. I work in Boston but live in NH.
2010 was a pretty darn good year for me and I have a funny feeling 2011 will be better (I'm working on that whole self-fulfilling prophecy thing).
1/1/11 6:08 p.m.
chknhwk wrote:
Rufledt wrote:
moved to boston to begin graduate school,
Welcome to Boston! Let me know if you need anything. I work in Boston but live in NH.
2010 was a pretty darn good year for me and I have a funny feeling 2011 will be better (I'm working on that whole self-fulfilling prophecy thing).
i live in concord but work in manchester.. same applies.
1/1/11 6:19 p.m.
Regarding the complaints about long posts... I read most of 270 page book sitting in the airport the other morning. If you guys can't handle 4 paragraph posts or ideas not expressed as bullet points, how do you even read GRM?
I'm interested in seeing what you all have to say, even if it does run on the long side.
Jay wrote:
Regarding the complaints about long posts... I read most of 270 page book sitting in the airport the other morning. If you guys can't handle 4 paragraph posts or ideas not expressed as bullet points, how do you even read GRM?
I'm interested in seeing what you all have to say, even if it does run on the long side.
Because some of us like things simple and concise. Like this post and my previous post. Congrats on reading a book while waiting to board a plane.
Jay wrote:
Regarding the complaints about long posts... I read most of 270 page book sitting in the airport the other morning. If you guys can't handle 4 paragraph posts or ideas not expressed as bullet points, how do you even read GRM?
I don't. I gave my 'scrip to my son a few years ago.
I can handle it, I choose not to. I read books for different reasons than posts on a forum and frankly, I think most long posts can be summed up in far fewer words.
Zomby woof wrote:
DirtyBird222 wrote:
Some of you are making this way to long of a read....
I don't know about you guys, but I rarely read posts longer than about 4 sentences.
Don't complain to us, you're the one making to a choice to miss all the good stuff.